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Magnus' Pov

There is a reason why I am reluctant to leave my apartment on days like today. The wind whips relentlessly around my ears, while the rain once again shows its most ruthless side.

Since money does not grow on trees, I have to leave my warm and dry four walls almost every day, like many others, to work hard for my living. This is the only way I can afford a small apartment in the middle of Chinatown, New York.

'Why wasn't I born into a wealthy family?' Well, it's special for that. Very special.

By now my clothes are completely soaked and my shoes squeak annoyingly, with every step.

Today I am really good for nothing. My well-deserved evening off is planned in detail. Take a hot shower, eat yesterday's warmed-up spring rolls and fall into a comatose deep sleep. That's exactly how almost every Friday night goes for me. 'Aren't I a lucky guy?'

Since the weather is supposed to stay the same, I think I'll hole up in my bed at home this weekend before the same vicious cycle starts all over again on Monday.

When I open my eyes the next morning, I can already feel a telltale tickle in my throat. 'Damn it! Please, not a cold. Not now. Maybe I can still stave it off,' I think to myself.

On wobbly legs I stagger into my bathroom and draw myself a hot bath. All that's missing is the secret ingredient. Full of hope, I reach for a green bottle, from the faucet, but am horrified to discover the next moment that it is almost empty.

'This won't do.'
To my misfortune, it's the only thing that can help me in this state.

Hastily, I sprint back to my living room, reach for my phone on the table and dial my mother's number. She will help me. She always does.

I putter impatiently around the room and breathe a sigh of relief when she finally answers the call.
"Hey, Mom. Do you have any of your cold bath left? Mine's almost empty," I ask her hopefully.

"I'm afraid not, my dear. I just sold the last bottle. Crazy. You can tell there's another flu epidemic going around right now. I've never sold this much before. I had to give out all my reserves," she babbles wildly, not really giving me the answer I want to hear.
"Oh great," I snort in annoyance, tussling my hair in exasperation.

"I'm really sorry, son.
It'll be a few days before I have any supplies for you."
"I'm afraid I can't wait that long," I croak, and the next moment I'm overcome by a violent coughing fit that literally brings me to my knees.

"Here we go already," I state in shock as I look at my shaking hands.
"Oh, Magnus. I'm so sorry."
Her voice is now only a whisper, for she too knows the burden our family must bear when it is in this state, when it is weakened.

"Then barricade yourself at home."
"I will." Honestly, that was my plan anyway. Besides, I have no other choice either. The risk of infecting someone in my family is just too great.
"Do you have enough food for the next few days?" my mother inquires anxiously.


"Not really. I guess I have to go to the supermarket again, around the corner," I mumble, lost in thought.
"Are you going to be able to make it?" she now asks skeptically.
"I hope so."

Alec Pov

Drenched in sweat and panting, I sink down onto the wooden floor of my new apartment. My clothes are additionally soaked from the rain, cooling my body in an uncomfortable way.

Thank God, that was the last moving box. I probably should have spread my book collection over several boxes.
Perhaps it was also unwise of me to choose an apartment on the fifth floor. There is an elevator here, but it is out of order at the moment. Probably not just since yesterday.

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