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"I like me better naked.

I don't mean that in a vain way ... When you put clothes on, you immediately put a character on. Clothes are adjectives, they are indicators. When you don't have any clothes on, it's just you, raw, and you can't hide."

Padma Lakshmi

⚠️Attention! Adult Content!⚠️

Last week, my art teacher Mrs. Fray had already announced that our upcoming art project would be half of our overall grade. I should not be worried about that; after all, I'm one of the best in my advanced course. Some of my classmates should be more afraid.

Now the time has finally come and I feverishly try to guess what is hidden behind the still closed door to our studio.

"Every work of art is actually a sketch that is only completed by our imagination," the good Fray quotes Sigmund Graff most poetically, before she finally opens the door and lets her students enter one after the other.

I look around and discover a small podium in the center of the room, which is furnished with colorful fabric cushions. Around it are several easels and painting utensils. I clearly perceive the familiar smell of paint and charcoal pencils, which always seems to calm me down in a magical way. But I fear that this calm and composure may soon be over.

For gradually it dawns on me what Mrs. Fray might have meant by the new art project. Spellbound and with our eyes turned to the door, my comrades and I take our seats on wooden high stools in front of our easel. Restlessly, I slide my butt back and forth on the rounded seat and simply can't find a comfortable position that makes me look relaxed and gallant at the same time.

With every minute that passes, my body temperature climbs steeply. Inconspicuously, I rub my sweaty hands over my thighs.
'What on earth is wrong with me? Is it the sheer excitement of being here that's almost making me go crazy?'

Suddenly, the front door swings open and a tall young man with an impressive hip thrust enters the room. Involuntarily, I hold my breath and literally freeze into a statue.
I feel the violent pulsation of my carotid artery and hear a deep-going roaring in my ears. It's possible that my brain is taking significant damage right now due to lack of oxygen.
'What the hell!!!'

Highly amused by the dumbfounded looks of pupering youths, the young man takes a seat on the padded podium in the center of the room, elegantly crossing one leg over the other. He looks around with a broad grin. I estimate him to be in his early twenties, though his whole being seems much more mature and older to me.

"Let me introduce you. This is Magnus, your new project and nude model for the next two weeks."
I catch my breath at my art teacher's words and am now seriously worried about my grade after all.

'This is a bad joke, isn't it?!' Couldn't it have been a busty beauty who makes zero impression on me with her feminine charms?'
Shrill squeals and shrieks instantly fill the room, making me groan in frustration, which is more due to the fact that my best friend Clary is incessantly jabbing me in the side with her bony elbow.

"Oh my god, Alec! Isn't he adorable?" whispers Clary to me excitedly.
'Gorgeous? That trite description doesn't even begin to cover it. Magnus is just plain gorgeous. A god, a sex god? A ...'

"Alec?", Clary interrupts me during my slippery brainstorming, because I could have come up with several more descriptions for this dream man-to-be. Clary almost pierces me with her questioning gaze. Her copper-colored eyebrows are drawn tightly upwards.

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