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"Are you ready, Alec?"
No words wants to pass my lips. Surely Magnus will be able to interpret my silence correctly even without a stuttering mutter.

'I'm not at all ready for this, how could I be?' I have no experience in such things, no idea how to behave in a situation like this.

I flinch unconsciously as Magnus's hands gently rest on my shoulders. Even through the fabric of my sweater, I think I can feel Magnus' body heat. I want to scream and at the same time I imagine what it would be like to make my fantasies come true.

'Why does this man have such a powerful effect on me? Is it perhaps just because I am at an age where my hormones have a major influence on how I act and think?'

"Do you prefer Alexander?" breathes Magnus wickedly into my ear as I continue to remain vehemently silent. I can't breathe and I clutch my hand convulsively to my chest, just above my heart. It feels like it's about to burst out of my fleshy shell at any moment.

'What am I going to do?'
With a heavy lump in my throat, I clear my throat and answer Magnus hesitantly, "As you like. Either way is fine with me."

"Alexander then. So, what exactly are you having trouble with? I thought it was just mindless sketching and a bit of prettying up?" he asks me freely, letting his hand slip from my shoulders. Wandering, they now glide down my spine, firm and exploring.

'A little prettying up? If only it were that easy,' I think to myself, involuntarily holding my breath.
"Breathe, Alexander," Magnus whispers in my ear. His warm breath tickles my skin, only increasing the inner turmoil inside me.

"I'm kind of stuck, at ...," I press out, gasping, stopping mid-sentence.
"At?" Magnus pushes toward me from behind and grips my torso with both arms. This man is demanding and unyielding. His closeness and brash manner should make me uncomfortable, but I secretly enjoy it. Magnus' behavior excites me. I'm sure he figured that out long ago.

'What should I answer him now?'
I can't give him half-truths. He would surely see right through it. Eventually, he would make me tell him what's bothering me, after all.

"With the details," I finally confess to Magnus and exhale haltingly. Now it's out.
"What details exactly?" inquires Magnus behind me in a noticeably raspy voice. His lips wander gauzily along my temple. Intuitively, I close my eyes and enjoy this unfamiliar touch.

"Details in general, but especially of the lower region," I answer, panting. Magnus' pelvis presses against me even harder and I think I can feel a distinct hardness. My cheeks are literally glowing. The heat inside me is becoming unbearable.

"Your first act?", Magnus wants to know. Spasmodically, I press my lips together and nod my head in agreement.

Magnus loosens his grip on my torso and just as I'm about to groan in disappointment, he swiftly turns me around to face him by the shoulders. Smirking, he faces me and gets his face dangerously close.

"Maybe you've just been missing the right angle of observation so far. You're welcome to come closer when you draw and memorize the details, if you like and it helps you," he promptly suggests, at the same time causing all my facial features to slip away.

'Did he just, without blushing, offer that to me?' The shock in my facial expression seems to speak volumes, as Magnus raises his hands placatingly.

"Only if you want to, of course. How else do you do it with your other projects you draw?" he now wants to know, making me wonder. Maybe he really does care about me finishing this project well.

"Well, if it's things that are in the room with us, I touch them. I close my eyes and try to memorize the structure and texture of the object by just feeling it. That always helps me a lot," I explain to him matter-of-factly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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