The Choice

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"It doesn't matter what you are,
it only matters what you do.
It's your choice. Make sure
you do it for you."

Another half hour drive separates me from my parents' house. I'm looking forward to spending a spooky Halloween with my whole family. Probably everyone is waiting again just for me, the guest of honor.

After all, I have the farthest commute since I decided to go to college in Philadelphia instead of New Jersey. But this move has also opened many doors for me so far and paved the way to an independent life.

The road ahead of me is winding, the further course difficult to see. It's good that I know the route by heart and know how to adjust my speed to the conditions. After all, I grew up in this area.

Especially in autumn and winter, there were always many traffic and game accidents here. Every time I came home, I discovered a new cross on the side of the road on the way there. Really terrible. The fact that the majority of the fatalities were my age always bothered my parents a lot.

For this reason, they book my siblings and me into a driver safety training course every year. It reassures them, even though this training doesn't protect us from other drivers' mistakes.

An incoming call is announced to me melodically. I turn the volume on my car stereo to minimum and blindly feel for my hands-free direction.
"Alec here. Who dares to disturb?", I announce in good old fashion, knowing full well who was waiting for a sign of life from me on the other end of the phone line.

"Well, when are you finally trundling in? Jace has already stolen the first sweets from our pumpkins. We desperately need reinforcements here," my sister Izzy whines, sounding like a little schoolgirl.

Amused, I laugh at the idea of my younger brother Jace retreating with his stolen goods and secretly stuffing his belly with candy.

"Every year, the same thing. What about Dad?", I inquire, giggling.
"Oh, give me a break. He's just as much of a thief, especially when it comes to Oreo cookies."
"Can't blame him, they're the most delicious candy too," I enlighten my sister Izzy.

"According to the GPS, I'll be at your place in half an hour. The streets are like empty." I imagine many visitors have already trickled in this afternoon to join me in heading back out into the big wide world on Sunday.

New Jersey is quickly forgotten once you turn your back on this little corner of the world. But deep in my heart, it will always be my home.

"Drive carefully anyway. It's been raining non-stop for the past few days. The wet leaves on the roads make the road really slippery in places," my sister tells me in a worried-sounding voice. It seems like she's already had her own experiences with the boisterous fall weather.

"I'll be careful, I promise. See you in a bit." Izzy seems satisfied and ends the phone call with a noisy air kiss. I turn the radio volume back up and quietly hum along melodically to the song that's playing.

Daylight is fading rapidly and with each passing minute. Even the gorgeous color dresses of the surrounding trees can't keep the darkness away. My eyes are more challenged and when I think I spot a figure on the side of the road, I pinch them convulsively.

Instantly I slow down and come to a halt right next to a figure in a gray hooded sweatshirt. It appears to be a man. I quickly switch on the hazard lights and look in the rearview mirror. There is no other driver in sight.

There is no real footpath on this road at all. You really have to be crazy or desperate to walk along here in the evening.
By pressing a button, I lower the passenger window and call out inquiringly, "Hey! Do you need a ride somewhere?"

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