Flowers First 💐 - Part IV

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"Alec?! Magnus?! Where are you?", I hear my sister shout at the top of her voice. This is followed by an animalistic howl that resembles a wolf. I chuckle in amusement, because it's really silly.

Magnus, on the other hand, looks at me in confusion and lets me lead him to the flowerbeds without resistance. I do my best to stay on the paved paths so as not to step on my mother's flowers.

"What are we doing?" asks Magnus, still visibly puzzled. I gesture for him to bend down so that we both have a safe place to hide behind the flower bushes.

"Hiding us. That was the werewolf's call. Izzy has perfected it over the years," I whispered to him, explaining.
"Alexander, I don't understand a word you're saying."
Of course he didn't. How would he even know the silly traditions of my family.

Sighing, I set to explaining.
"At every one of our family gatherings, we play the famous werewolf game at the end, where half the players mime villagers who have to fear for their lives at night. Because the other half of the players, who are also villagers during the day, turn into bloodthirsty werewolves at night. So it's up to the villagers to unmask the wolves among them. It's actually quite funny. There are also witches and other interesting characters," I explain to him as I peer through the narrow slits in the shrubs and spot my sister in the garden with a searching look.

"So why are we hiding behind the flowers? Sounds like a fun game."
"Honestly, Magnus? I don't want to share you with them yet. I'd much rather linger here with you," I confess to him. Perhaps that was too brash, but it is how I feel.

"I don't want to share you either," Magnus whispers in my ear and strokes my back with the flat of his hand. This innocent touch alone triggers a real firework inside me.

I jerkily turn my head in Magnus' direction. I don't know who makes the first move, but suddenly our lips are on each other again, kissing impetuously, as if celebrating a long-cherished reunion.

The air in our lungs only falteringly escapes, leaving a pleasant warmth between us. Panting, I pull back and see the clear signs of arousal on Magnus' face.
'I wonder if he's as surprised at how this evening has turned out.'

He barely gives me a chance to spin any more thoughts. Hastily, he grasps the back of my neck and pulls me toward him again. I bounce against Magnus's upper body, unintentionally pushing him to the floor.

Bending over him, I remain undecided whether I should give in to my inner urge. I would love to feel his body close under me and explore it with my fingers.

"You think too much, Alexander."
Magnus is right, I do indeed. I can't even count how many times I've wished for a standby switch for my own mind carousel.

Supporting myself, I position my hands to the right and left of Magnus, reaching into cool earth. The smell of pure nature rises to my nose, followed by a subtle sweetness that seems to emanate from both Magnus and the flowers.

Carefully, I lower myself onto Magnus and shift my weight to my forearms. Blindly, our lips find each other again, kissing intimately and with the heat of a blazing fire.

Greedily Magnus' tongue penetrates my mouth and meets mine. Everything inside me pulses and tingles like crazy at this passionate kiss, it's almost unbearable.

"Alec? Magnus?" My mother's voice echoes through the garden, snapping Magnus and I out of our own little world. Sighing, I lower my head into the crook of Magnus's neck. My heart is hammering like crazy in my chest, obviously beyond overloaded.

"I think we need to pause here for a moment, Alexander," Magnus murmurs to me, chuckling. His fingers gently stroke through my hair as he does so. It's not the words I want to hear, but I also know how stubborn my family can be.

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