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In the world, there was quite a numbers of races of monsters, which are werewolves, spirits, fairies, elves, demons and vampires. The monsters started to extinct one by one, the reason is unkown and the only race left is vampires.

The vampires still have a big numbers of them, they are still roaming around freely the world without any restriction. They are also mixing in the human society for blood.

The humans starting to realise vampires exist and they are a threat towards them so they decided to hunt down the vampires. They captured some vampires and conducted some experiments to find their weakness.

Apparently the sun doesn't harm the vampires and they are immune to silverware and holy equipments, the vampires are like humans but with enhanced strength. They will heal back as long as their heart is still beating, they are alive no matter if they are beheaded or diced.

The vampires population started to decrease dramatically, half of the vampires that survived went back to their previous residential area which is near their royal family's castle.

Unfortunately they were followed by some hunters, the hunters found out their residential area and the castle. They went back to their village to tell the villagers and they gather the villagers who wanted to explore the castle and kill the rest of the vampires. Then they departed to the castle with the villagers.

Meanehile at the castle, there are vampires reporting about what is happening recently to their king who is sitting on his throne, the king has black hair, dark red colour eyes and wears black colour clothing. Suddenly they heard shouting, things gets destroyed and chaotic noises. They hear the castle door banged opened and humans shouting saying killing all the vampires so they will be safe.

The king were forced to go to the basement for protection by his butler and the servants. The servants are prepared to fight the humans. But they forgotten there are 2 prince in the castle who aren't in the basement. When the servants are going to fight they are stopped by the eldest prince and the younger prince.

"All of you stop what you are going to do, I'll handle this with my brother" the older prince said, he has black hair, dark red eyes and he wears a black jacket with a dark red shirt, his face show no emotion when he showed up, while he is holding the younger prince's hand. The younger prince wears the similar clothing as the older prince, he also has similar look as his older brother.

"But young prince, we can handle it-"

"Did you not hear what I said? What if you all lost your life at this battle? You need to serve my father and me next time" the eldest prince said, the servants obeyed his words and they headed to the direction of the basement while leaving the princes behind.

"Brother, are we going to do it?" The younger prince asks eagerly and the older prince nodded. Then the younger prince cheered "Yay finally I can do it after waiting for so long!" The younger prince said as his brother's and his hair turns white and their eyes become crimson red at the same time.

The humans reached at the hallway where the princes are waiting for them. "Look there are 2 vampires in the hallway! Let's kill them!" One of the human shouted and rushes towards the princes, then the others follow the person.

The older prince looks at the humans rushing at them foolishly and sighs "They are so dumb for attacking us. Welp, let's teach them a lesson then try to make a deal with them." The older prince said as his crimson eyes glows brighter and ready to attack the humans.

A/N: Sheesh, another fanfic lol. Hope i can do better than the previous fanfics. Also prob slow update cuz school, I'm in the last 2 years of high school so will be busy and have a collab with my besties


take care and cya

Black Clover: Vamipre AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant