Chapter 4

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The next day, asta woke up just right when the dawn breaks. He got up from his bed to freshen up himself and change his pyjamas to his normal outfit. He went down to the dinning hall to fill his empty stomach with juicy red raw animal meat with a cup of human blood that has prepared by the chef in the kitchen.

After that, he went back up to his room to investigate what happened yesterday. He scribbled some words on a paper while thinking back. 'How would the mysterious people know we were taking a walk in the forest?' Suddenly something came into his mind 'Unless somebody among us is a traitor! There's a possibility that they are one of the servants or a citizen in the town' asta thought as he writes down it.

After awhile of staring at the paper written with things, asta decided to take a rest from it. He look out of the window and saw the sun has risen almost in the middle, then he looks at the time that's indicating the short hand is pointing at 11 and the long hand is at 1.

He assumed his brother and his dad is awake at this hour. He went to the room where his dad usually does his paperworks and he saw his dad is busy with something. He asked Vanitas for the files about the servants and soliders. Vanitas just gave him without any suspicion. (because he loves his sons too much and he will give anything to them without thinking basically he spoils them to death)

Asta went back to his room to read all the information about those who work under his father. When he was on a certain file he found out the vampire who named Samael who is also a guard that usually patrol around the palace. But he noticed Samael was patrolling near the town and the forest yesterday. He decided to keep an eye on Samael and someone knocked the door just right when he was going to look into Julius's file.

He opened the door and saw his father is in front of the door standing there. He see his father is holding the navy blue colour book with a chain in the side and a gem on the cover. He knows it is time for him to train to use his power with the grimoire, he got out of his room and followed his father to the training room.

Before the training starts, his father let asta to get used to the grimoire from not using it so often. Then the hellish training from vanitas, vanitas is holding a cane while he is watching asta who is practicing how to cast a spell to make the people, vampire and other get restrainted and limited their movements on some guards. (Note: no guards were harmed, they just got restrained)

After a few hours of hellish training with vanitas, his training has finally finished. He went back to his room to refresh himself then he continue the investigation, when he read Julius's file, he realised that julius wouldn't be ordered by his father to watch them from a distance if him and his brother go out for a walk. The action made him suspects julius and he decided to monitor julius's action if he's around. Meanwhile he remembered there are some humans in the dungeon.

He went to the dungeon to see the condition of those humans that was captured. The unharmed ones are sleeping, while the one who was injured is trying to endure the pain he got yesterday. The humans look up and some open their eyes when they heard the door open. The one that was injured is trembling in fear, fearing that he will get another fresh scar from asta again.

Asta locked the door and unlock their restraints, then he gave them a whole loaf of bread and a cup of water for each of them. "Don't even think about escaping just because i let yall free. I unlocked it just because you all are my guinea pigs and i need all of you to survive." Asta said in monotone.

After they finished the food that asta gave them, asta knocked them unconscious and restricted them again. He waited for them to regain their consciousness and he look at them in excitement. "I have been wondering what will happen if i let a human drink my blood?" AstA said as he cut his arm to let his blood flows down. He forced open a person's mouth and let his blood drop into the person's mouth.

The person started screaming in pain as asta look at them with a crazed smile on his face while waiting for the result. The person fell unconscious after this, asta knew the process won't finish immediately, his face had no emotion on it. He waited around half an hour and the person opened his eyes. It revealed that his eyes became slit and red...

A/N: I'm tired, pure science stream is so tiring for me. My exam is coming in a month and i need to prepare. So maybe no update next month. I want to take a break from writing too... it's quite tiring for me because there's too many things to do + writer's block. Take care and cya

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