Chapter 7

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9Idk what to write lol (1:51am 1st May 2023)

I can finally write (12:40am 14th Oct 2023)


Days has passed since they started searching for information. Both Yuno and Asta are exhausted from finding informations out of stacks of books. They decided to do it physically instead of finding informations from the books where they found little to none.

Asta had an idea to order his bat familiars to keep an eye on every knights and members in the castle, then report to him of what they are doing or even if thr bats find anything suspicious. He could focus on researching and be on standby of his bats reporting to him.

Meanwhile Yuno are communicating with the villages to see if they have any ill intentions. Apparently, Yuno is different compared to the rest of the humans, he is able to sense everyone's intentions especially the ill intentions. But with a flaw which is he needs to talk to them to find out.

The sun started to rise where they decided to take a break from it for a day or two. Their days of exhaustion has took over them and made them lie down on the floor of the library where the members in the castle rarely comes in.

Among the few days from looking into the informations, Asta realised he forgotten to eat his meds to keep his insanity in control. The moment he realised, he started to panic and leave the library, rushing to his room and take the medication out to eat it before he looses his mind again.

He started stumbling to his table and quickly pour some of the pills out, he took 2 pills and swallowed them. When his mind is clearer, he realised his study table has the file of Julius' information. He opened the file and read the information about Julius.

Apparently Julius was found by Vanitas when he was wandering in the woods, then Vanitas took him in. But his origin is unknown no matter how much Asta tried to find it. A bad feeling suddenly rose inside of him, he decided to shrug it off as he remembered that Yuno is still in the library.

He got back to the library with the file he was reading. The huge bang of the library doors attracted the tired yuno who was trying to sleep by lying his head on the table. He suddenly shot up to see eho came in and it turns put to be Asta who is breathing in a quick and irregular pace. Before Asta could explain, Asta handed over the file to Yuno which indicated him to read the content in the file.

(A/n: 10/11/23  Idk what to write now...
2/12/23 nvm i think i know what to write)

Yuno looked through it and found it suspicious too, it has too little detail of Julius as if Vanitas is covering some secret for him. Both discuss what to do next, Yuno suddenly almost pass out while talking which made him remember they have been searching information without any rest. Asta bring Yuno back to his base toget enough rest, Yuno told Asta to rest too before he leaves. But Asta has other plans in his mind instead of resting.

Asta decided to find the answer alone while Yuno get his rest in his base. He is an impatient person- well... an impatient vampire, he couldn't just sit down and get enough rest while he needs to get the answer directly from his father to fulfill his desire, his thirst for answer. Then he heads to his father's workspace to find him, if not then he goes to the throne room to find him.

He is in luck where he doesn't need to find the whole castle to find his father. He found his father in his workspace but having a hand supporting his head while doing paperworks.

"Yes Asta? What made you to come and find me?" Vanitas asks gently despise he is bad in choosing his words.

"Well, remember that i asked for the files and i was searching everyone's information? Well, I wanted answer for Julius's file, it isn't complete. His background has too many holes and I want anwers for it. I suspect he is the traitor or one of the person who is involved with the kidnapping" Asta said in a serious tone

"Woah woah, chill man." Vanitas sighs "I know you are impatient to find the answer and the truth. I will fill you in"

He took a deep breath before telling Asta about Julius's background

"He isn't a villager in here, which means he is from outside of our territory. I first saw him when he is around 16 or so? And I was around 20? Yes, I was succeed as a king when i was very young. I found him when i was doing some rounds since i sensed someone entered the barrier, he was in the forest alone and scared. I asked him where he is from, he said he was from where humans are from. It was strange for a vampire to live with the humans after what happened to the vampires and the humans. So then anyways I took pity on him and brought him back here, I decided to take care of him until he was old enough to survive by himself. But then he ask me to train him so he could repay me by being a knight here to protect me. I did ask him about his past but he did not give me any information except where he is from. I know there are lots of holes in his background. I did suspect him as a traitor since he isn't from here. I can't confirm if he is a traitor since I don't have enough proof that he is one. Did I answer you now?"

Asta did not say anything for a long time, he clenches his fist before answering "Yeah you did. But I will keep on observing him, Liebe is the target because he is young and weak, he does not know anything about the world yet and I don't want him to be like me. If he poses a threat to him or one of us, I wouldn't hesitate to eliminate him. It's for our future good." He looks at his father without any emotion while saying it, his father did not say anything and just nods.


A/n: yay, when was the last update of this book? Almost a year ago? I had writer's block for months, even if i did not have any, i was busy either writing other books or in my things.

As you know, I am in my last year of high school and my very important exam is gonna start the coming week till March, so.... yeah

I wish everyone stay safe and healthy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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