Chapter 5

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The person opened their eyes and their pupils are red which made asta excited. His excitement was extinguished after a few seconds, the experiment has failed. The person struggled and tried to break out but their strength were too weak to break out from the restraints.

"You are a failure, i was hoping i can create more of our kind by giving blood to you humans but then you are still as weak as how you are before turning. You are no use for me now, disappear, failed subject" asta said as he use a knife to cut the throat. The blood starting spraying out of the wound and made the floor covered with a puddle of blood, the metallic smell from the blood start to appear.

The smell made asta to have the urge to drink blood, his head is pounding and his eyes begin to turn red. He put his hand at his forehead to try to decrease the pounding and the pain he is having. He quickly exited the room which made the humans wonder what happened. Outside of the room, asta is leaning on the wall as a support and calm the urge down.

After awhile of exiting the room, asta's eyes went back to normal and his head stopped pounding. He sighed in relief and his urge to drink subside. "Damn... i hate this urge for blood from what happened when i was younger..." asta cursed under his breath and he walk out of the dungeon.

He went back to his room to get some rest, but all he got was flashbacks of after what happened he was captured and kill the humans.

The flashback

After he escaped from the building, he found out he is nowhere in the middle of the forest. He started wandering in the forest to find the way back or find a place that has human traffic. 1-2 days later, he finally found a little village that had a few houses. He went into the village to find a shelter and he found a run down house. But before he can go into the house, he fell unconscious and fell down on the floor.

When he woke up, he found himself on a soft bed that's in a neat and tidy room with some decorations. He was curious where he is and who took care of him when he was unconscious. Just then, the door opened. And it revealed to be a tall middle age male with grayish hair standing in front of the door holding a tray that has a cup of water.

"Oh, you are awake. I found you lying unconscious in front of an abandoned house. I brought you in to my house." The man said as asta looked at him warily as if the man is a threat to him. Especially right after what happened to him and how he was treated by the group.

Asta held his forehead to ease the pain at his head which is throbbing aggressively, the man froze and dropped the tray saw asta's eyes glowing red and fangs revealing out. The man ran out as fast as possible once he knew asta is a vampire but it was too late to escape. He was beheaded by the second he managed to take a step out of the room, the man's blood splattered everywhere and asta started sucking the blood from the corpse.

After a few hours, asta came back to his senses and found out he killed all the villagers in the village. He breaks down once again, he zoned out until he heard sounds coming from a far. His attention was moved to where the sound came from but at that time he is already exhausted, he only can see someone walking towards him then he blacked out.


When he woke up, he was on a familiar bed, then he looked around and recognised this is his room. His little brother was sleeping beside him and his father, Vanitas was sitting on a chair reading a book. Vanitas closed the book when he noticed his son is awake. But the king saw his son's expression in his eyes has changed, that is where his father knew asta has changed after getting kidnapped.

(I don't wanna drag the story anymore and end the flashback lol)

Flashback end

Asta head out of the dungeon to clean himself up. after refreshing himself, he goes to take a stroll in the village and visit someone who lives in the woods near the village.

He arrives at a little house which is outcasted from the village. Before he tries to knock the door, the door opened and a dagger flew out from the house. Asta was able to block it but then there's a fist going to make contact with asta. Luckily asta caught it before it hits him.

"I'm already used to surprise attacks, the surprise attack you always do doesn't wor-" before asta can finish his sentence, a leg tries to use side kick to kick asta's hips, asta dodged it by letting go the fist and jumping up high. Then he lands down and went into the house, he extended his nails and put it on the neck of the person.

"I won. No matter how many times you attack me before coming in, i can see through your technique." Asta said as the person groaned. "Yeah yeah, but i will win one day" the person said as he smiled slightly, showing that he enjoyed the little spar.

"In your dreams, Yuno" asta grinned

A/N: sorry i broke my promise (i hate breaking promises, especially my own promises) i was suffering from a bad disease called writer's block and form 4 (year/grade 10) is busy as hell. I also didn't feel like writing too, I'll make an announcement about something later

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