A bit of a shock

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Tubbo's pov:
I was sitting in my house, playing with Micheal. ' hm, boo has been out for awhile..Damnit he always comes back as soon as he's out of the ender walk state. ' I started to get worried so I pulled up chat and whispered to Ranboo

"Boo? Where did you go? Are you alright?"
I had more questions, but I just left it the two.

"Yeah I'm fine! I got caught up at Tommy's house sorry about the worry"
I slightly smirk and whispered to tommy.

"Tommy you doing good?"
I wanted to start casual.

"Yeah I'm fine big man, why are you asking?"

"Oh no reason, just hope you confessed"

I laughed and closed the private message and went back to Ranboo.

"Well I hope you had fun boo, also could ya hurry home? Micheal is missing you"
I look to the content kid, he looked at me and smiled.

"I promise to be home soon"

"Thanks boo"

I sat down by Micheal. ' having fun small guy? ' Micheal looked up at me and smiled. Nodding his head eagerly. I smile and notice a message pop up, I didn't recognize the user.

"Is this Tubbo_"

"..who's asking?"

"That isnt important for the bit, just had a question, checked on your husband recently?"
I stare at the message and got worried and afraid. How does this person, someone with a user I didn't even remember or recognize, know that I was married.

"I did actually."

"That's a surprise, seems you dont mind the news of his new found lover then"

"I'm happy for them actually, now answer me again, who are you?"
I felt a bit angry not getting the answer I wanted, micheal cuddled up to me as to calm me down from getting too mad.
When I saw the next message, my jaw just dropped.

"Shocked to hear my son never speaks of me, what a shame if I am honest."
So, Ranboo's dad just fucking messaged me??

"He probably forgot you like he does with everyone else."
It was partially a lie. I didn't trust this guy, ranboo wrote the name of everyone he trusted and was close with in one of his books so he wouldn't forget them. It was a detail I never failed to notice, if Ranboo didnt tell me of his dad, then either he wasnt worth remembering or he was afraid of something.

"Still has those blasted memory issues hm? I thought his mother told him to write in a book"
I panicked slightly.

"Dude, stop messaging me."
I closed the chat and looked towards the door that opened ajar, Ranboo peeking his head in. ' uhm..h-hey tubbo ' ' Hey bossman ' Micheal got up and ran to Ranboo, getting swiftly picked up and tickled. Ranboo stopped after awhile and looked at my face. ' hey is something wrong? ' he began to walk towards me as he sat next to me.

' Boo do you remember your biological family? '
I faced him as he had a face of shock, confusion and...fear? ' Hey you dont need to answ- ' He cut me off with a motion of his hand. ' no no it's fine just, an unexpected question.. '

Ranboo's pov:
Truth be told. I remembered my family (!!MY AU!!), my mother, she was a fair and what some would call an albino enderman, she had white skin like my other half, along with raven hair. She had red eyes, just like me and my older sister. (I repeat, !!My au!!) Drista, she was pretty much the role model for me, along with my oldest sibling. Dream. I remembered my father all too well unfortunately, he had black hair as well and green eyes. A full enderman at that, drista and dream had both dyed their hair, hence why they were blonde, I gave a shaky sigh at the mention of family, I did get along with them. Never my father. this would be the only time I wanted to forget someone. ' again, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable ' ' No, you didn't Tubbo..what made you ask anyways..? ' He got nervous. ' oh uh just, some rando messaged me and asked about you that's all ' I glance at him. ' I know that's a lie tub ' He messed with the front of his hair. ' ..This dude messaged me saying that, you were his son and all that ' ' wha- ' I felt myself lose feeling in my arms, Micheal looked up at me and all I saw was a blurred outline. I looked up and was in a dark room, staring around, I saw..him ' ah, why hello again my boy! ' He gave a bright smile, I tried to back away. ' w-why.. ' Before I knew it, he came closer to me and put his hand on my cheek, before i was ripped back to reality, with rigid breathing and looking around frantically. ' ok I'm gonna call tommy ' that was all I could make out in the midst of my panic.

After that whole rush of primal fear and Tubbo attempting to calm me down, it didn't help. Nothing really did, I heard the door open and I just closed my eyes, I was terrified and I had no reason to be. ' I came as fast as I co- oh fuck man- ' I think I heard Tubbo beg for him to help, I opened my eyes, Tommy in front of me. ' hey now, Boo? Match your breathing with mine. ' He took my hand and held it to his chest, I did as he said.

Cutely ends on a cliffhanger.

Chapter 5 done.
Chapter 6 loading

I am so sorry I have been so distracted with my real life and omg thank you all for the votes, adding to reading lists and even reading <3

I may be able to send a chapter out on the oneshots tomorrow hopefully!
Again, this was my au, none of this is canon either way but still, needed to remind just in case heh

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