~ Chapter 6 ~

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When the weekend arrives, I feel a heavy weight being lifted from my chest. Rumlow proceeded to yell at me the rest of the week then left for the weekend. It was a relief to not have to deal with his negativity on my days off.

I woke up at around 9:30 in the morning and decided to go for a jog and get some coffee. I put on my black criss cross leggings and a black cropped sweatshirt with a matching sports bra underneath. I put on my old Nikes from when I ran track in highschool and took a mirror selfie from the back to post on Insta.

As I'm about to leave I see Rumlow's sweatshirt laid over the kitchen chairs. I roll my eyes. The least he could do is put it in the laundry basket. Grabbing my phone, headphones, and wallet, I head out.

It was extremely pretty that day. The sky was painted with rosy pinks and ocean blues as the sun awoke from it's slumber. I enjoyed waking up early, watching everything in the early hours of the morning was therapeutic. Everything untouched, unbothered. Just peacefully dreaming and waking up. I may have woken up a little later than usual, but was still able to witness the morning's beauty.

The park I usually jog at in the mornings has a few people there; a few young and old couples sitting on the wooden benches, dogs going on walks with their owners, children playing on the playground, and a few teens having the times of their lives.

I put my headphones in and began jogging at a steady pace. I make a few loops around the designated path at the park and then make my way to the sidewalks headed towards the city.

I jog to a nearby Starbucks to get an iced coffee and a cake pop. I deserve a treat for all the trash I've been dealing with. I eat my cake pop and finish my coffee as I walk back to the park to relax for a bit.

The dew on the benches has dried by the time I take a seat. My lungs fill with the clean air, filtering out all of the stress from earlier this month. I sit for awhile before a jogging figure catches my eye. They're wearing a pretty tight athletic shirt and pants. A nice figure and... baby blues? It was Captain Rogers.

He sees me and stops in front of me, hands on his hips. I smile.

"Good day, Captain," I say giving him a mock salute. He chuckles. I pat the open space next to me on the bench.

"I haven't seen you in a while!"

"Well, I've been trying to get used to all of, this," he laughs.

"It must be really different. Going from the field to all of this." I talk with my hands as our friendly conversation drifts into different topics. I ended up listening to Steve tell his War stories.

I listened intently, delighted whenever I see his eyes light up when telling his tales. A wide smile spreads across his face while talking about his childhood friend, "Bucky" Barnes and their journey's together before and after his procedure. Seeing him talk so vibrantly about himself reminds me of my granddad.

"Then I punched him square in the jaw. It was exhilarating, haha!" He laughs and I join in with him. It wasn't a forced laugh like with Rumlow, but a loud, genuine, pleasant laughter.

"Ah, I'm sorry. You're probably bored of my old stories," he chuckles and rubbed his nape.

"No no, it's really interesting. And entertaining. It reminds me a lot of my granddad's stories he'd tell me." Steve let out an embarrassed sigh.

"The first time we see each other in months and I remind you of your granddad.. not the best start." I laugh as he covers his face with his palm.

"What type of stories did he tell you, y/n?" My name sounds so sweet coming from him. I sigh.

《 It's Been A While 》Steve Rogers X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now