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"Guys! You won't BELIEVE what happened at work today!" I laughed, sitting down on the grass in front of the three headstones lined up beside each other in the corner of the graveyard. I watched as Dom, Adam and Tom rose from the floor.

"The guy you like came in and finally asked for your number. I was with you all day today." Adam snickered, nudging Tom to look at my shocked expression.

"Yeah... he said he's gonna take me out on a date soon. It was so sweet. How are you guys today?"

"We're all good, me and Dominic spent the day checking on our families, making sure they're okay." Tom smiled, looking over at Dom. He seemed off today.

"Is everything okay, Dommie?" He looked up, shrugging.

"I just... I miss bein' up 'ere with ya, yano? In the physical 'n all that." I frowned, sighing.

"I know... it sucks not seeing you guys and being able to give you proper cuddles. But! We're still all together, like we're supposed to be." They all nodded, forming a small circle with me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and showed them pictures of Michael, he recently started a family, he named his little girl Harrison.

"She's gorgeous, has ma nose." Dom twitched his nose, making us all laugh.

"Hey! You shouldn't be here after hours, miss!" The groundskeeper approached me, a stern look on his face.

"Sorry, sir. I come here every night to talk to my three best friends. I lost them in an accident a couple years ago... I know I shouldn't be here, but this is the only place I can come to whenever I need them." He sighed.

"Look, I'll give you ten more minutes... I'll be back to let you out, okay?" I smiled.

"Thank you so much. You don't know how much that means to me... and them." He smiled, walking away.

"What a dick! I hate him." Adam scoffed. I snorted, shaking my head.

"Even in the afterlife, you're funny, Warrington... fuck, I miss you guys so much." I swiped the tear from my eye. There was a silence for a couple minutes before Dom piped up.

"You're gonna get pregnant soon." I gave him a look like he was crazy. His pale skin glowed in the moonlight slipping through the trees. I guess you could say he looked like an angel.

"I-I am?!" He nodded, getting up and pacing around us.

"Yeah, little boy. Gonna have green eyes like me, curly hair like Tom, personality like Adam." I sniffed, my lip quivered at the thought.

"Wow... I hope so. He's gonna be so perfect... the groundskeeper is coming back, I'll come see you guys tomorrow, okay? I love you all so much, thank you for not leaving me forever..." I blew them all kisses, standing from my spot.

"Thank you, miss. I hope your friends are happy now... wait, y/n?"

"I-It's you?"


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