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"That's the last time I'm letting you blame me for all of this, Justin! I'm sick of it!" I heard my mum's voice echo from downstairs, making me and my sisters flinch. There's been non-stop arguing for weeks now, maybe even months. This divorce thing isn't the best idea.

"I'm tired of you trying to take control over everything, Samantha!" I heard a plate smash against the kitchen wall. My sisters were shaking and crying, trying to cuddle into me. I wasn't that old, so I didn't really understand what was going on either.

"It's alright. They can't hurt us 'ere." I whispered. I heard mum storm out of the house with one last 'fuck you, Justin!'. I peeped out from under the blankets, checking if it was safe.

"D-dad?" I softly shouted, he came into the room and flicked the light on, his anger dropped from his face.

"Oh, kids. I'm so sorry you had to hear all that. Mum will be back soon, she's just going to calm down." He hugged us all and left.

"Is it over?" I nodded, standing up. I couldn't let them argue anymore, surely there was something I could do...


"Who's the new slut, huh? It's Marie from work, isn't it? You let her in OUR bed! When me and y/n weren't home! You're as selfish as you are evil. Get the fuck out!" I squeezed the pillow over my ears tighter, trying to drown out the sounds of mum and dad fighting. Dad left. After that, he never came back. I left my room after five minutes of silence, walking into my parents' bedroom to find mum crying on the floor. I rushed over and sat in her lap, cuddling her until she stopped crying.

"It's okay, mummy. Daddy can have Marie. She's nowhere near as pretty and funny as you." She smiled through her tears.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I appreciate it. Please don't let a man ever treat you like this... I'll always try to protect you."


"Y/n, I have this friend I want you to meet. His name's Dominic. He's really sweet. I feel like you two would get along great." I shrugged, sitting beside her on my sofa.

"Ehhh, I don't know, Em. What if we don't click? I haven't had a good relationship in five years... I'm twenty-three now! I should be married with kids!" Emma scoffed, already texting Dominic that I'd go on a date with him tonight.

"Believe me, Dom has had the exact same past as you, and you're the same age. You can bond over your trauma." I couldn't help it but laugh at that, I always make jokes about my trauma. It's how I cope. (a/n: me too, me too💅🏼)

"Sure, give him my number." She did, and he texted me almost immediately.

Dom: hi, you must be y/n, i've heard so much about you!

y/n: yeah that's me, hi :) Emma hasn't told me much about you, only about our similar trauma🤣

Dom: ah, your parents fought a lot too?

y/n: yeah, dad left and didn't come back, what about your parents?

Dom: they stayed together in the end, they figured they needed each other, and a divorce wasn't good for me and my sisters

y/n: lucky you... i don't mean it like that, i mean it as in lucky you for having both parents around. i haven't heard from my dad in almost seventeen years...

He didn't respond after that text. Have I already scared him off? Was I too forward about my dad leaving? I sighed, knowing I had blown a new friendship... and potential relationship.

"I've gotta go, y/n. I'll see you later." She smiled and left. I shook my head and turned on the tv. It wasn't even five minutes later when someone knocked at the door. I got up and looked through the peephole. It was a guy with red hair standing there.

"Hi, uh y/n? You in there? It's Dominic. Emma's mate." I opened the door and smiled, letting him in.

"Thank god, I didn't mess things up." He cocked his brow, chuckling. I offered him a cup of tea, which he politely accepted. We sat down and got to know each other a little bit better.

"No way! You love horror movies too?! I thought I was the only one!" Dominic shook his head, laughing. We were on our fifth cups of tea, we had talked about everything there was to really talk about.

"I can't believe I've found someone who likes goin' to concerts all the fookin' time. I LIVE for that shit." I smiled, admiring him. I hadn't done that properly yet. His eyes were like fresh grass, lips looked soft to the touch. Oh my god! Dimples when he smiled! He was a dreamboat.

"You okay there, y/n? Ya look flustered." I blushed harder than I already was. Dom's hand rested on my thigh, rubbing small circles with his thumb. I gulped.

"Y-yeah... I've just never had that safe space to talk about things to anyone. You actually listen to me. My mum became an alcoholic about a year after dad left. So I wasn't really 'loved', if you will." He nodded, sighing quietly.

"Yano... after me mum and dad decided to stay together. The arguing still continued, it just never 'appened in front of me 'n ma sisters. They fought when we stayed with our nan and grandad. When I moved out from home at sixteen, that's when they had a full blown argument in front of me. It was the first one in about 4 years that I had been there for. It was weird, so much came back when I heard it. I left quickly and 'aven't spoke to them in about a year. I wasn't taught how to love myself or somebody else cuz whatever ma parents had, wasn't it." I pouted, resting my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Dom. We had shitty pasts but we can make a better future." He smiled, grabbing me and hugging me tightly. I melted into the cuddle, remembering that I never really got hugs when I was growing up. By the tightness of the squeeze, Dominic didn't either.

"I think I've found the person who's gonna make me 'appy." He whispered, I smiled to myself, rubbing his back. His parents couldn't love him then, but I sure as hell can love him now.


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