*8- the underrated youth:

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That's the only thing I can ever do. Run.

This place isn't safe, but I can't escape from it. It's like I'm constantly going around in circles, trying to find my way out of this living hell. Being an 18 year old who was neglected nearly 6 years ago by my parents, left for dead on the streets at just age 12, I was forced to work in one of the most dangerous drug gangs in my town, called 'the underrated youth'. We're a small group linked to a massive drug chain, we're the smallest on the table, but the most convenient.

"Y/n! What the fuck are you waiting for? If you slow down now, you'll be caught and that's it, game over! Pick up the pace, bitch!" I groaned, running faster than my feet could carry me, Jake is such an asshole. He's the 'group leader', he carries the most drugs in his pockets, sells the most in a day, even gets caught the most! And he's telling ME to move quicker. These alleyways are tight.


"Stop what you're doing! We have you surrounded! Get on your knees with your hands up!" Shit. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing 2 policemen chasing me down, pistols in their hands. Give a girl a change, jeez. I looked back in front of me, tripping over my own feet. I called out for Jake but he was gone, what a dick! I felt hands grab onto me roughly, I struggled to get out of their grips, they kept me down on the ground.

"Stay still, miss! You're making this harder for yourself." I gave in. I let them situate the unfamiliar feeling of handcuffs around my wrists. I was pulled to sit up. 

"So, working for T.U.Y, are we?" I thrashed about, trying to pull my hands in front of me. I looked at the officers. There was a blonde one, his nose was a little crooked, eyes were a deep shade of blue, quite a muscular build, too. But, the other one really caught my eye. His black hair was slicked back like a movie star villain, he was a little scrawny but still had fair muscle, and his eyes... don't get me started. They were such a stunning green, every time the light hit them, they shimmered. He was staring at me with a knowing look. I bit my lip, shrugging at the question like I didn't know.

"Really? Wow, didn't know they were called that." I sassed, rolling my eyes. The blonde called for someone on the radio, saying something like 'get eyes on the other one, he ran north'. The other lad crouched down to my level, leaning to whisper in my ear;

"Look, love. I suggest you drop the attitude and maybe you'll be let off here...When I'm done with you, that is..." I gulped, not caring if he saw the slight fear on my face. Me? Scared? I'm in, or was in, a drug gang, for fuck sake! Get yourself together, y/n! Don't fall into submission over a smoking hot officer...

"What's your name, lovely?" I heard the blonde pipe up, grabbing my forearms to help me stand up. I let them take me to their car at the other end of the alleyway.

"My name's y/n, who are you?" The black-haired officer opened the passenger side door, sitting me in the leather chair. I gazed up at him, seeing a smirk on his lips.

"Officer Wyatt, and this is officer Dominic. We're gonna have to take you back to the station to have you searched and for further questioning. Understand?" I nodded, Dom stood me back up and sat me in the back of the car. I thought he brushed against my thigh, but I could be imagining. 

"Love, I wanna help you out of this. Give me whatever you have on ya to me, I'll dispose of them now." Dominic held his hand out, I motioned to the handcuffs. He chuckled and unlocked them, I reached into my pocket to turn them inside-out. I had nothing on me. Honestly.

"Nothing? We'll double check at the station." I groaned and nodded, slumping in my seat. Dom had to handcuff me again, this time my hands were around my front. Dominic quickly jumped in the passenger seat, Wyatt drove from the secluded place. I saw Dom peeking at me in the rear view mirror, deciding to pull his leg a little. I locked eyes with him in the glass and moved my hands to sit between my thighs. Dom's eyes seemed to blow as I bit my lip and pressed down on my clit. He hitched on his breath, coughing. I giggled and stopped, looking out the window. The car came to a halt, Wyatt and Dom stepped out, Wyatt got my door for me. I was pretty much DRAGGED into the station by him, Dominic followed closely behind us, eyes still wide open. I held in my laughter at him, but my sudden realisation made me make the same expression. No, not him! Anyone but HIM! FUCK FUCK FUCK! 

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