23 - fight, fight, fight..:

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a/n: hiiiii :) i hope you're all staying safe inside during these hard times <3 make sure to wash your hands and stream Weird! Oh and! Just gonna drop this blood warning, along with a fight :) this is honestly the worst thing i've ever fucking written, i'm really sorry :( 


"Harrison! Meet and greet starts in a few minutes. You and y/n ready?" Dominic turned to me, I nodded with a wide grin on my face. This is the first time being able to meet Dom's fans properly. His show is a couple hours away. I'm so excited! 

"Great, love. I just gotta warn ya, they can be a little fookin' mental." I rolled my eyes.

"If I had a hot ass guy with great hair standing directly in front of me, I'd go mental, too." He snorted, shaking his head at me. I grabbed onto Dom's hand before walking out of the dressing room. He lead me down the corridor and into the main entrance of the venue. The m&g was being held out the front of the place Dominic was playing at. I heard the screams erupt in the streets as soon as we were seen by them. Security opened the doors for us, fans swarming us immediately. Dom was talking to them as if they were family, which they are. They took photos with him, even ME! The most uninteresting person here!

"I'll be back in a second, gonna go grab Adam 'n Mikey for a couple of fans who wanna meet them. Stay here and talk to everyone. I love ya." I nodded, watching him walk inside. I heard a sigh of relief and a soft 'finally, he's gone' in front of me. I looked in the direction of where it came from. A few girls stepped forward, giving me dirty looks like I did something wrong. I smiled at them, a little uneasy without Dominic here. I wasn't gonna back down, though.

"So, you're the y/n everyone gushes over on social media? Fucking hell, how low has he swung? Look at yourself, sweetheart. He could do so much better than this," she paused, looking me up and down in disgust, "thing you call a person." The other two girls behind her laughed, I just rolled my eyes at them.

"Listen, I'm not trying to start anything here, ladies. If you don't like me, that's cool. That's completely okay! I'm not everyone's cup of tea, quite a few of Dom's fans like me, though. I don't waste my time on the ones who are jealous of what I'm fortunate to have." 

"Hun, I'm not jealous. I'm right. Dominic could do with someone way more attractive. Keep in mind, nobody likes you. Not his fans, not his family or friends, not even HIM! You really don't watch his interviews, do you? He talks down on you all the time." That's a lie, I'm behind the cameras at every single one of them.

"No he doesn't, he loves me just as much as he loves his fans. Please step away from me now, I'm not interested in talking to someone so negative." It was as though something snapped in the one who "insulted" me. (a'n: there's a little fight here, not sure if anyone wants to skip it, I'll mention where it ends with ++) As soon as security were occupied doing whatever, she dived on top of me, making my head crash onto one of the concrete steps before pinning me to the ground. I tried my best to get her off of me, but I was too dizzy from the hit to react. I was weakly pushing at her arms to keep them away from me, fans around were shouting for Dominic to come back out. It's not like he could hear them anyway. What do you do in this situation? Losing blood, concussion, pinned down... I'm fucked, really.

I felt her attacking my face, scratching me wherever she could get to with her nails. Her friends chanted for her to keep going, but everyone else was shouting for help. Why don't YOU help me? I was suddenly beginning to go numb, my consciousness was slowly slipping away, loud footsteps rushed out from the building in front of everyone. (++)

"Oi, what the fuck do ya think you're doin' to ma girlfriend!?" The girl was pulled off of me by Dom, Adam and Mikey tried helping me sit up, I begged them not to incase I passed out. My head was swimming around in circles. 

"Did you hit anything when she pinned you?" I hummed, pointing at my hair. Adam sat beside me and slipped his leg beneath the back of my neck cautiously, supporting my head with his hand. He felt the back of my skull, freezing. I knew I was bleeding from there, it stung.

"We need an ambulance, now." Adam whispered to Michael, not wanting to worry me.

"Baby girl, are you okay? Can ya hear me, love?" Dominic held my hand down at my side, brushing the pad of his thumb over my knuckles lightly. Mike told him what was going on, I vaguely saw his face drop. Dom's eyes welled up with tears as he buried his head in his hands. Security took the girls away from the crowd.

"It's all my fault this happened. If I didn't leave you alone for a second, this wouldn't of started. I'm so fookin' sorry, love." I squeezed his hand gently, smiling.

"It was an argument that turned into an unexpected fight, it wasn't your fault... my head's really sore." And the last thing I remembered right before I slipped out of consciousness, the sound of sirens gradually getting closer.


"How're you feelin' now, love?" I held onto Dominic's arm tightly, taking small steps with him towards Adam's car. He drove up here with Michael to pick us up, if I was allowed out the same night. Luckily, I was a few hours later. That meant the show was cancelled, and for the next month. My face was pretty fucked up, multiple scratch marks littered my neck and cheeks, a bandaged busted nose and a small bruise forming along my cheekbone. But, I didn't care that much. I'm alive, right?

"I'm better now. Did they stitch my head or...?" Dom nodded, opening the car door for me.

"Yeah, ya had about fifteen stitches cuz it was a nasty gash. But, ya should feel like your old self in a few weeks time after these prescription pills run out. I'm so sorry 'bout tonight, I-I can't forgive myself for what happened when I was inside. Adam forgot some of his stuff in the dressin' room and we couldn't find it." I sighed.

"Baby, I told you it's fine. It was a mistake."

"A mistake that could've killed ya if I didn't turn up when I did. And that girl who assaulted you, she's always been an asshole. Since I noticed her years back on twitter, she thought she was better than everyone after that. Definitely gettin' a block from me when we're home. She's one I can afford to lose in the black hearts club." I giggled, leaning into his shoulder as Adam was on the way to our place.

"Anyway, did ya like meetin' ma awesome fans today?" I made a sound of approval.

"They're all so nice. Apart from those other three girls, your fans are so unique and special. You're very fortunate to have such incredible people behind you. And the respect they had. I know nobody helped in the fight cuz they were probably scared to interfere, but not a single video is on the internet, I'd rather people didn't see the aftermath."

"That's the spirit, love. I'm still sorry, though." I flicked Dom's ear, making him gasp dramatically. 

"Ouuuuuuch!" Dominic pouted cutely at me. I couldn't resist, I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him sweetly.

"I love you, silly."

"I love you too, love."



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