7- medication:

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"Work's gonna be the absolute death of me, I swear." I mumbled, unlocking the front door to mine and Dominic's home. He hasn't been on tour for a couple months. Ever since the doctors told him to take a break due to his sleeping schedule and his mental health, he's been made to stay home. Unless Adam's picked him up and went out during the time I was at work, I'm alright with that. I stepped inside, not hearing music coming room our room, the tv wasn't on, no lights were illuminating our home either. Hmph.

"Dom?" I called out, getting no reply. I felt the panic beginning to set in, I pulled my phone from my pocket and paced into the kitchen. If he was out, he would've left a note or even texted me. I opened my contacts and pressed his name, holding the phone to my ear. It rung a few times before I heard his ringtone coming from upstairs.

"There you are." I whispered to myself, climbing the stairs slowly. I switched on the stairs light, seeing our bedroom door slightly ajar.  I crept up to it, gently pushing the door open more. The room was pitch black, lifeless, quiet. 

"Baby? You in here?" I flicked the light switch down, being met by the most heartbreaking sight I've ever seen. Dom was curled up in a tight ball in the corner of the room, his hands clasped over his ears like his life depended on it, rocking back and forth uneasily. I fell to his side and pulled him into my chest, feeling his tense in my arms. He was whimpering to himself.

"H-hey baby, are you okay? What's happening in that pretty head of yours?" I whispered in his ear, trying my hardest to soothe the troubled lad. He looked up at me, taking his hands away from his ears slowly. His eyes were circled with red, his cheeks had tear stains tracing down them. My heart clenched in my chest, he's really upset. What the fuck made him like this?

"I f-f-orgot to t-take my medicat-ion..." He choked, I helped Dom stand up on his jelly legs, cuddling into his broad chest. He rested his chin on top of my head, curling his arms around my shoulders. Yes, I'm short. But I can comfort like a queen.

"It's okay, Dommie. But, you better take them now or you'll hear the voices again. Okay?" He sniffled, nodding. I guided him to settle down on our double bed, making him wait for me to get his meds. I jogged downstairs and back into the kitchen, reaching into the medicine cupboards. The bottle was sitting right in front of my face, I took it and grabbed Dom a glass of water. I set foot up the stairs once again, seeing Dominic laying on his back, staring at the ceiling.

"Here you go, babe." He sat up to my voice, smiling weakly.

"Thanks, love." I handed him the box, watching as he popped the cap open and poured a couple pills into his palm. He threw them both in, holding his hand out for the glass. He gulped them down, taking a deep breath after.

"How come you didn't take them? I know you didn't forget... You never forget to take your medication, Dom." He sighed, knowing I caught him in a lie. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to sit down.

"I thought I was gonna be okay without them today... B-but I guess not... I'm so fookin' sorry..." He looked down, embarrassed about what he had just said. I gripped his chin lightly, pulling his head up. I caught our lips in a sweet kiss, feeling the older lad melt into a puddle. I pulled away and pressed our foreheads together, smiling widely at the slight blush on Dominic's face.

"I love you so much, Y/n."

"I love you too, Dom."



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