34- tominic:

710 10 39

"I have a question..." I mumbled, nudging Dominic's arm with my elbow. The tour bus was almost too silent for my liking. Tom, Adam and Michael were out to get celebratory drinks so we could have a small party for Dom hitting his 1000th show performed. Dom took his attention from his phone, giving me the confused side-eye. He took a sip of his tea.

"What is it, love?" I tried to remain calm with the words about to leave my lips, but it would hurt me more than him. We've been together for more than 2 years, so the relationship is stable enough to talk about more personal things.

"Are you in love with Tom?" The said sip of tea was spat out all over the table in surprise. Dom coughed obnoxiously before catching a breath.

"W-what? Of course I'm fookin' not, I've got a gorgeous girlfriend. Tom's ma best mate... yeah, there's a flirtatious vibe with us, but I'm like that with Adam 'n Mike!" He blushed furiously, trying to cover his roasting face.

"I really don't mind if you are, Dominic. You don't look at me like you look at him.  You just seem so... into him." I shrugged. Dom sighed, wrapping his arm around me.

"I mean... yeah, I liked him way before me n you got together. But, I don't want anyone else, yano?" I hummed, picking at my fingernails.

"Babe, c'mon. Ya know I love you and only you."

"I know you love me. But, you've shown more interest to Tom recently. I'm honestly not mad, I think you two would be pretty cute together."

"Ya really think that?" I nodded, hearing the door to the tour bus open. The guys entered with cases of beer under their arms. Tom was the last to come into sight, but when he did, Dom shifted beside me.

"Hey, Tom." Dominic blushed as he said his name, my heart skipped a beat. They need to be together.

"Hey, Dom." He smiled cutely, embracing him. Dom doesn't hold me like that, they're so in love with each other. I huffed, pulling my phone from my pocket.

to Adam🖤: 'Dom and Tom are in love'

from Adam🖤: 'what? are they?!'

to Adam🖤: 'look over here'

I watched Adam raise his head to look towards us, he smirked. Tom had his arm around Dom, sitting down beside him.

"I'm gonna use the restroom." I got up, walking to the other end of the bus. I locked myself in the toilet and looked in the mirror. How can I get them together?

to Dom🍓: 'Come in the toilet with me, I have an idea!'

from Dom🍓: 'Now coming.'

He knocked on the door, making me open it and drag him inside. I'm gonna sound crazy, but I need to figure it out. If Tom loves Dominic, he wouldn't wanna hear us getting down. (a/n: i felt SO awkward saying that lmaoooo)

"Jump." I mumbled, Dominic furrowed his eyebrows. I groaned, jumping on the spot.

"Make it look like we're... yano. If Tom loved you, he wouldn't wanna hear it." Dominic's eyes widened.

"You're a genius!" Dom started jumping and rocking with me, occasionally grunting. We both had to hold in our laughter, stopping every few seconds to listen for movement outside. Feet tapped on the floor, like someone was impatiently waiting.

"I'm gonna go for a smoke." Tom chirped.

"Tom, you don't even fuckin' smoke." Adam chuckled.

"I know!" The door opened and closed. Bingo! Dom couldn't believe what just happened.

"Does that prove a point now?" He nodded, hugging me tightly.

"Wait... why would ya be so cool with me likin' Tom?" I grinned.

"All I want is for you to find your happiness, I'm not the one you're meant to be with. And if that's what Tom is, then I'll do everything I can to get him for you." Dom sniffed, wiping his eyes on my top.

"Oh, I love you, y/n. You're the best. I've never labelled ma sexuality, and I ain't gonna. But, I know I like Tom." I pouted, sighing happily.

"Well, you're officially a single pringle! Let's go get your man." I unlocked the door and walked back out into the bus. Adam and Michael both looked at us confused. I shook my head, winking.

"Where's Tom?" Mike pointed to the door.

"Gone out for a cig, doesn't even smoke." He rolled his eyes, continuing his conversation with Adam about tour. Dominic rushed over to the door and left, going to find Tom. I sat by the window and listened.

Don's POV:

"Dom? What're you doin' out here?" Tom squinted up at me as I sat on the ground beside him.

"I know ya like me, Tom." His eyes widened, shaking his head. His whole face was red and sweaty.

"I don't. Not like that..," I sighed, bowing my head. But, I thought he did... y/n was CERTAIN that he liked me back... ", I don't think..."

"What do ya mean?" I took the unlit cigarette from him and lit it myself, taking a toke.

"I don't know if I like you... I do! But, I'm scared what your fans would think of us." I huffed, wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

"Look. Y/n said she's been noticin' how I look at you, and how you look at me. It's cool, I know about the small glances off stage, the smiles as you look through the tour pictures, ya dramatic laugh at ma jokes that ain't funny. And honestly, I like you too, I have for a fookin' while, I just never said anythin' cuz I was with y/n. But, she wants me to be happy... I feel like I'd be happy with you..." Tom's eyes met mine, a small blush coating his nose.

"You're with y/n, though..." He hesitated, I shook my head.

"Broke up with me so I could be with you. Whaddya say? Fook the people who don't like it, it's me n you now." I held my hand out, watching Tom grab onto it tightly. I felt a heavy weight lift from my shoulders as soon as he did.

"Yeah. You're right. I love you, Dom." Tom pulled me in for a quick peck, making my heart race excitedly.

"I love you too." I pulled him up and lead him back inside, hearing cheers erupt from each end of the bus. Y/n ran over to us and embraced us in her hold.

"Yes yes yes! I'm so fucking happy for you two!" Tom was completely red in the face, sitting with Adam and Mike. I turned to y/n and looked her in the eyes.

"Thank you. Ya really made me happy, y/n. I love ya." I squeezed her in my chest, feeling the vibrations of her giggle against me.

"It's alright. Let's plan your wedding!" She skipped down to the other boys, jumping up onto the table. I shook my head and sighed.

She's my best friend...

and he's my boyfriend.


another update in 24 hours!!!


probably confused why i'm updating a lot more now... i made a deal with a certain someone🤣 if she went to bed early-ish to go to school, i'd update every night until friday... and here we go😌 everyone thank her

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