Chapter 14

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"For the love of god, ano'er couple havin' sex!"

Cordelia sat up with a bolt. A man was standing outside the door of their train cabin. James rolled over sleepily.

"Wake up." Cordelia shook her husband with a hand. Sleepily, James pulled her down. It was very unlike James to be such a romantic person, sometimes he would be very shy.

"I love you, did you know?" He asked.

"I always did. Wake up, we're nearly there."

He threw a shirt on and walked to the window, it was moving across the train station. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly stopping.

"Portal us," James recommended.


"To the silent city."

"Oh-Oh! Of course!"

Somehow, Matthew and Jasmine were standing at the station, waving merrily at them. Cordelia pressed her nose against the glass and smiled at them. James waved. As soon as they got off the train, Cordelia went to hug Matthew and she kissed him on the cheek. Jasmine was clearly hurt but remembered the history between them. And the kiss between them. And Cordelia went to hug Jasmine, knowing she would be upset. James grinned at his parabatai.

"How did you get here so early?" He asked.

"Earlier than us!" Cordelia exclaimed.

"Magnus." Jasmine waved her hand. "He's a warlock, portals...the stuff," she smiled.

"We're going to the silent city," Cordelia said. "To do something about Cortana."

"Where is it?" Jasmine inquired.

"Hidden in the suitcase."

"Oooh! Sneaky."

"But first, I have to see Lucie. Our parabatai ceremony is in very few days."

"That's why we need to go to the silent city."

"Why?" Jasmine asked. She did not realise she asked a hurtful question.

"I...ah..." James stammered. The trio shut up and began blubbering words.

"It's not a question of..."

"Should've been there..."

"We'll tell you one day," Matthew reassured his fiancée. "It's just not the best time right now."

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