Chapter Four

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Judi's Pov
A harsh like grunt escaped from my pa one rough go, a soft exhale leaving me. Gosh this woman was trying to kill me with this tight ugly dress. Out of all the dresses in my closet she picked out the most unflattering source for my figure. With one quick motion to my arm she had yanked me over to the large full body mirror for me to stare at myself.

"Wow.. Now don't you look so gorgeous sweetie. Like how a woman should be." My hair was loosely out for all my curls. Light makeup though she did put on this dark red lipstick. Just everything she wanted me as. A small scowl went over my face in disbelief lightly smacking my hands over the dress.

"Mom you are kidding... This isn't me! This dress looks like a dress from the 60's. All this for a man's money! Cal is terrible, all he cares about is his business and disrespects me. And you of all people know how I feel about disrespect." I pulled away from her causing the loudest sigh to leave her.

"Honey I want you to understand the family needs this money. Do you know all you will inherit in his fortune?! You should be focusing on the big bucks deals instead of running off with poor folks." I started taking off the ties to the dress roughly shaking my head quickly.

"Mom I think you some times forget we were poor, black people are always seen as poor. But even so if we somehow end up rich or middle class that doesn't mean you change who you are. Jack is so kind and sweet. He's never hurt anyone and treats them all with respect." She sighed heavy resting her palm on her temple shaking it side by side.

"Honey listen... At some point you have to sacrifice some things for certain happiness, I want you to stay away from that boy after tonight." I once again scowled her way before I went over to grab the black dress from my closet looking at the puffy like sleeves.

"Mom I'm basically an adult now. Not everything you can control now." Was the final word I told her, slipping into the bathroom changing out of the dress she picked slipping right into the new one. Walking back out to grab the heels slipping them on.

This dinner party might just be the death of me isn't it. I was barely half way down the stairs almost getting sea sick. I scanned my eyes around for a moment glancing down the large stair like case, having to take a double glance for a second at the sight of well Jack waiting at the end of the staircase.

His usual messy hair was styled slick back like, a black suit. I couldn't even hide the smile that grew on my face seeing a smile grow on his face in surprise.

I made my way down each step all the way, landing on the last step with a small grunt gazing at Jack taking his hand that he held out for me, both his hands holding my hands.

"Oh wow... Well I can say you look gorgeous but you always do when I see you, even when you are just in sweats." A quiet cough like laugh left me for a moment squeezing at his hands with amusement, gazing into his eyes fully his hands now slightly holding my waist a little.

"Thought a normal person would say you look dashing in a suit Jack, I prefer you in your normal messy hair." I whispered seeing he was gazing at me even more then ever. In that moment I almost could get lost in our own little world of staring at one another. But it was very cut off short by a clearing of the throat both of us turning away from one another, watching my mother and sister with a group of others. Cal as well. I sighed mentally ready for this night to be semi over at least.

Oh how easy it was for me to mentally zone out these long and boring conversations. All they really talked about was money this, and money that. You can even see on Jack's face he was a little out of place with the chatter. Almost like everyone was judging him for what he had a passion in, don't know how many times I've spoken up for him.

When dinner had finally ended I had yanked a cigarette out loosely letting it hang from my dark coated lip for a moment about to head to the smoking area before Jack was rushing back over to me very quick and fast like. I flashed him a smile with a light hearted chuckle.

"Well Jack, how was your first rich dinner party?" I saw him holding back the sudden urges to roll his eyes, a quiet huff leaving him silently.

"Fabulous, your fiance is a joy." I frowned a small chuckle leaving me shaking my head fast a couple times.

"Please, he wouldn't be my first choose of groom even if you paid me, or right they are paying me to marry him." I rolled my eyes slowly seeing Jack studying me fully before he was grinning casually.

"Hey Judi... How about we go see a real party down on the lower deck." I lifted an eyebrow pulling my cigarette away with a soft expression on my face grinning casually.

"What kind of party Jack?" I tilted my head at him, seeing him all but give me that look of his holding his hand out for me.

"Why don't we go and find out."

Judi's dress for reference

Judi's dress for reference

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