Chapter Eight

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Judi's Pov
"Jack! If you keep running like this I'm gonna fall." Each squeak tore passed my lips my slippery feet sliding against the carpet so quickly like. I wasn't even too sure how I still had sure a firm grip on Jack's slippery palm, each corner down each hall he dipped down caused my dress to fly up in the air and for more loud laughter to follow through. Anyone that was in view shooting is the strangest looks, of annoyance and or just pure judgment in their book.

"Keep up, keep up almost there." He snickered through his breathless laughter quickly grabbing his hand with now both my palms through my ecstatic laughter. I felt so carefree, almost like I was a child again, not a single thought, not a single worry nothing mattered in that moment besides me and Jack.

A small yelp like laugh left me suddenly, whining at the sight stinging pain in my cheek from hitting Jack's back hard like. He always does that when he is in thought it looking at something stopping in the middle or off to the side with a dazed expression.

"Ow- you do know your back is hard Jack right." I whined snaking both my arms around his waist, locking them in place, peering around him, feeling both his hands grabbed at my own to bring me closer to him, his warm thumbs stroking at the top of my hand in slow rhythm.

"Sorry sorry, you know being on this deck. I realize this ship is huge look at all the cars they must have on the deck." He muttered glancing his blue eyes at me a few times a loose chuckle leaving him, watching him lift his hand up for a moment to lift up the large heart shaped blue necklace with curiosity tracing at it a couple times.

"Judi I'm gonna ask you something?" Giving him my full attention, I gave him a soft head nod in return, pushing myself away from him only for a moment,  taking his hand in my own leading him towards one of the many cars both of us stepping inside it to sit in the back of it with ease sitting down with a large puffed out grunt.

"Of course what's on your mind Jack?" I asked him sweetly, seeing his fingers were still tracing at the necklace ever so often. He was nervous that's for sure shifting his eyes left and right a couple times.

"If you had to pick between me and Cal-" I didn't even let him finish when I was cupping at his cheeks, leaning in planting my lips firmly on his kissing his lips over and over.

"That's not even a question, I pick you. That's not even a debate Jack... I've known you for almost a good three days though it feels like forever." I held back a small chuckle on his lips, feeling him smile in return on my lips pressing himself even closer to me sliding his hands up to cup at my own cheeks, cradling them firmly in his palms pressing his temple against my own.

"I just don't want you to make a decision you might regret." He muttered across my lips, I just shushed him gently pressing my lips more firmly onto his own.

"I've made my decision and that's you." Another soft like grin spread across his lips with ease, leaning in even more he laid down on top of me, across the leather seats causing some laughter to merge from me moving my hands to tangle gently into the strands of his hair.

"You trust me?" I gave a few head nods in between the breathless never-ending kiss feeling him hitch one of my legs firmly around his waist lifting the dress up in the process.

I knew just what he was hinting at, it shot just a small spark of nervousness in my heart for a split second before I was tugging on Jack's shirt slipping it up and off him, tilting my head up to press an even firmer kiss to his lips, his hands moving from where they were placed to inch down my underwear in one place.

Que an even more startled reaction of nerves to leave me, yet I just kept reminding myself over and over through out my mind. I trusted him, how could I not when I've shown him this much of me already?

The back seat growing sweaty with heat pressing. my palm quickly onto the window grasping at it the best that I could sinking into this feeling that soon consumed me all in one hold. Feeling Jack placed his hand over mine in the window urging me even closer to him even that was even humanly possibly at this time.

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