June 27th Homoromantic Pride Month

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When you are homoromantic that means you are only attracted to the same gender in a romantic way nothing sexual. It can go for any and all genders (Ex: Girl, Boys, Non-Binaries, Demi-Girls/Boys ETC.)

Homoromantic refers to the attraction to the same gender or genders similar to one's own. A homoromantic individual may or may not be sexually attracted to the same/similar gender(s). Homoromantic can be used to refer to men, women, or non-binary individuals. It is considered the opposite of heteroromantic.

The earliest known use of homoromantic was in 1985. It has been used commonly among the community since, though it is not exclusive to ace-specs, as commonly thought by most.

The sexual counterpart to homoromantic is homosexual or gay.

Also if I missed anything after this chapter TELL me this book will be changed Title wise to  LGBTQ+ Guide and Questions for people who want to learn more about our community or just have questions you can message them to me and ill answer them and make a chapter out of it (With your permission) so anybody who has questions can get theirs answered by me!

But don't be rude typing wise and I'm not accepting anything that's homophobic (Unless you want me to roast you in words for the whole internet to see)

But see you all in the next chapter and I'm fully aware that I'm now blasting out chapters probably faster then people can read them that's cuz I have a free period at school and I'm making the most out of it.

Ill add music when my school unblocks youtube since GoGuardian Is a meanie >:(

Till next update my Lemon, Limes & Other Citrus Fruits G'bye


Word Count: 284

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