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I opened the door as quietly as I could and wiggled my way inside before closing the door. I turn to see Bepo and smiled warmly, whispering, "Hey Bepo." He wagged his tail and trotted over to me, hopping up onto his back legs, his front paws resting on my chest as he began to lick at my face. I giggled softly, "I missed you too." I shifted him and gave his fluffy body a big hug, "Ugh, you're getting so heavy."  He gave a soft woof and I put a finger to my lips, "Sh, don't wake Law." His pink tongue met my cheek and I giggled again as I set him down to the floor, "I need to shower." I patted his fluffy head before taking off my shoes and setting them aside before quietly tiptoeing towards our shared bedroom. I glanced towards the bed when I opened the door to see Law's form lumped under the blanket. A comforted smile crept onto my face as I made my way over to the dresser to collect my clean nightgown. He looks so peaceful. I hope he slept okay while I was gone. I closed the dresser draw and then turn to head off towards the bathroom.

After I managed to turn on the shower and began to undress, Bepo made his way to the bathroom and planted himself in the doorway. "Are you going to keep me company?" I fold my arms over my chest as I gave him a look. His tail wagged slightly and he lowered his head to the floor. I moved the curtain out of my way and began to step into the bathtub, "I'm not going anywhere Buddy. I have a bit of time at home and then Friday is no work." "You promise?" Law's sleepy voice caught me off guard and I jolt, turning to give the tired doctor a surprised look "You scared me!" Pulling the curtain to cover my naked appearance. He gave me a sleepy smile, "Sorry, I just heard talking and thought it was a little strange that Bepo didn't warn me." He looked down at our dog, who just gave Law a happy look. "I didn't mean to wake you." I closed the curtain all the way and began to wet my hair with the scalding water, relaxing my aching muscles. "It's okay, sleep hasn't really been that easy without you by my side." He hummed. I heard shuffling feet before hearing the toilet lid being put down. "Well the wedding is over so our schedule should go back to normal. I have to go shopping later with the girls and then you boys have me all to yourselves on Friday." I explained as I began to put shampoo in my hair. "Oh, by the way, what was with that picture you sent me?" I blush remembering the provocative stance he had been standing in. "You'll have to wait until Friday." I could hear the smug grin in his reply and rolled my eyes. "Are you sure you are going to have enough energy for shopping? You know how Nami is." He continued. "Not too sure but I already made plans." I shrugged my shoulders and continued to wash my body.

There was a loud knocking on the door that made me jump up from my bed. "Huh? What..?" Bepo circled around the room before going to bark at the door. "Bepo...? Bepo, sh..." I rubbed my eyes as I tried to gather my surrounding before staggering my way to the bedroom door, "Coming..." Opening to see Nami and Robin standing in the hallway. "Good morning Sunshine!" Nami giggled loudly as she pulled me into a tight hug. "G-good morning?" I reply groggily and squint at Robin as she was trying to hide her amused smirk behind her hand. Next to her stood Boa Hancock. It was strange to think those two weren't twins with how similar they looked. "Are you ready to shop until we drop?" Nami asked as she carefully pushed me back to look at me. "Uh?" I blinked, trying to take in everything, "I need to change clothes, also how did you get inside?" Bepo shifted forward and barked as his tail wagged, rubbing his large body against his my legs. "Yes, Bepo, you can come to." I look down at him before Nami shoved her way pass me to my closet, "I'll find you a nice outfit." I glance over to Robin as she joined me, "Good morning, Fae-chan. How have you been?" A cup of coffee in her hand along with the spare key to our front door. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "I'm doing- ah!" I stumble slightly after Nami chunked a shirt at my face, "Get dressed, we can catch up at the mall." "...yes ma'am..." I take the shirt off my face and take the shorts she was handing me. After dressing, I hurry over to grab Bepo's leash. "Come on Bepo, let's go shopping!" He barks and pads over me so I could hook the leash to his collar. Nami, Boa, and Robin all stand at the door awaiting both of us.

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