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"So what do you guys want?" Luffy asked again, Sanji standing nearby to make sure he behaved. "I think I will have the sea bass." Nami smiled, giving Sanji a strange look. "Fae and I will have the salad." Robin spoke up, "Could I have a tea and another water for Fae?" "Course you can." Luffy grinned, writing things down in a little notepad, which made me wonder if he was actually managing in this job. "I will have the special." Boa manged out in a soft voice, her face melting into a look of absolute lovesickness as she stared at the table; unable to look her crush in the face. It kind of reminded me of how Sanji looked at women and I shuddered slightly. Luffy and Sanji both wandered back into the kitchen and Boa looked up at me with a huge smile, "Isn't he just the cutest?" I looked at her then to Luffy's retreating form before I just shrugged slightly, "I guess?" It was an odd question to ask a woman already taken. "I have an idea!" Nami exclaimed as she scooted in her seat next to Boa. "Why don't we going over to Shank's bar this evening? Maybe just have a bit girls night out?" She nudged Boa's shoulder, "You could get closer to Luffy." She turned to the orange haired woman, "Really?? You mean it?" "Why not?" Nami asked. Robin turned to me and whispered softly in my ear, "I think you should tell the girls about your issue." I pulled away from her and looked at her with slightly widened eyes as if my best friend had grown a second head. "I don't know." "It's a step in the right direction." She glanced over to the two women. I let out a soft sigh, "Can I think about it?"

I stared down at the glass of whiskey that was sitting in front of me. I licked my lips and tried to swallow pass the developing lump in my throat.
I haven't had a drink since...
"Is something wrong with your drink, Fae?" Nami muttered out as she picked up her drink and took a long sip. "No, just nursing it." I picked it up and sniffed at the drink. The strong wood aroma took me back to three years ago when I first met Pops in this very bar.

~Flashback 3 years ago~
I set the rock glass down, kind of roughly, after I chugged what was left. I tapped the bar, glancing in the bartender's direction. The lady gave me a soft smile as she headed over with the drink and I noticed a large presence next to me. "I'll have what she's having." The deep voice grumbled and I rolled my eyes at that stupid movie line. The bartender pulled out another rocks glass and set in front of him before filling both of ours. I grabbed mine and held it up for a few seconds, "What do you want Mister?" I was in no mood to talk with anyone. I didn't want to be flirted with or have men stumbling over each other just to pay for my drinks. "I have a proposal for you, Miss Faerie." He replied softly after a few minutes and I turned slightly to glance at him. He was an enormous and very broad man. He sported a very large white mustache, which was kind of hard to ignore. "A proposal, hm?" "Yes ma'am." He turns towards me, "I have been assigned to your case." He slid over a business card. I set my glass down and picked it up to read, squinting in the low lighting. It read that his name was Edward Newgate of the law firm; Grand Line. "I don't remember contacting you and I can't afford to pay you." I shoved the card back in his direction before taking a sip of my drink, hoping he would get the hint and leave me alone. "Ah, you don't have to worry about payments." He gestured someone over and I lean forward to see the owner of the bar. It was the loud redhead with the scars down his face. Shanks. This man and I didn't really get along too well because I had stolen from his bar before. He wandered over all smiles and laughing at some joke a friend of his had told him before he came to a stop, in front of us, on the other side of the bar. "Newgate, how can I help you this fine evening?" He smiled warmly and I vomited slightly in my mouth. Too cheerful. "You remember Miss Faerie." Newgate gestured at me and Shanks looked at me, "How could I forget the young woman who jumped the counter to steal a few bottles?" I let out a groan and turned sharply to the large man next to me, "Would you get to your point or leave me alone. I've had a very long day and I don't have a lot of patience." The anger rolled off me in waves but neither of the two men seemed taken aback. "My point being Ma'am, if you get sober and stay sober from this point on; I will get my friend here to drop the charges against you." Newgate spoke and I scoffed, "Sober? Me? Now why would I do that?" I turned back to my drink, my hand gripping it slightly tighter than usual. I needed the alcohol. It drugged my brain. It fogged my memories. It numbed the pain. I went to finish my drink when Newgate stopped me, "You don't need to drink your life away." His voice softened, "I understand you are going through a lot right now and you need help." I frowned and turned to glare at him, "You don't-!" I started to get angry, but his sadden expression caught me off guard. I suddenly felt very small. Almost as if he was disappointed in what I had become. Why did I feel this way? I had never met this man before in my life, why did I suddenly care if he was disappointed or not? I took a breath and slowly sat my drink back down, turning to look at the wall behind the bar, "What? Are you going to sign me up for an AA meeting or something?" Newgate then grinned widely at me, "Oh no, those meetings only sometimes work for people." I had an odd feeling with the way he suddenly smiled, "You're going to work for me." I looked at him, puzzled, "I don't know anything about the law." Which was a complete lie as I used to be a cop. "I didn't say anything about the law." His grin turned smug and he fished another card out of his pocket, setting it in front of me. "Meet me at this address tomorrow at 9 o'clock." He, then, thanked Shanks for his drink and left me to my own. I looked down at the card in front of me. The address was handwritten with the time underneath it.
~end flashback~

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