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"Morning Sabo, would you like some coffee?" I smiled warmly as the second oldest of the brothers walked into the kitchen. "Oh, sure!" He grinned back after getting over his slight shock. "I didn't realize you were still here." He sits down at the island as I grab his favorite mug and start pouring coffee, "Do you want your regular?" "Actually I would like your morning special." He replied with a smile and I turned to him, "I haven't made that in years." "I'm sure you still got it." He leaned onto his hand. "I can try." I set his mug down after putting the pot back. "Let's see," I tap my finger on my chin as I recall what I used to put in the special.

I pushed the mug over in his direction, "Here you go."
He grabbed the mug and blew on it before he put it to his lips.
"Both you and Ace have such a weird tolerance for high heat." He set the mug down after a gulp and then laughed, "Yeah, we've always been that way. So what happened last night after you disappeared?" My smile faltered and I turned to grab my own mug for coffee, "Just a lot of explaining." I gave a half hearted shrug. "I'm proud of you." His mug made a small clink noise when he picked it back up off of the countertop. I turned to him, "Proud?" "Of course, you've made so much progress since you arrived here three years ago." He replied before he glanced down at his phone as it pinged. "Oh, please excuse me." He finished his coffee and then hurried out of the room, most likely needing to get to work. "Good morning Babe~ya." Law gives a soft smile as he walks into the kitchen. "Good morning, love," I smile, "Would you like some coffee?" "I would." He takes Sabo's seat at the island. "Do you have work today?"
I grab a mug and fill it, "Well honestly Thatch thinks I should take off work until I can get my prescription refilled." "You're out of your prescription?" He asked and I gave a sigh, "I've been out since last Monday. My doctor lost his licenses because he was selling drugs to minors. The company won't refill until they go through my medical history, makes sure I actually need them." "But a case of PTSD should only take a maximum of at least a couple of days." Law rumbled, a clear frown upon his face. "It's been well over a week and I'm suffering terrible withdrawal." I take a sip of my own coffee. "Which doctor did you use?" He hummed, "Did he work at the clinic?" "Actually he was a more at home type doctor. I think I have his card in my wallet." I explained before hurrying upstairs to get the card.
I return to find Pops sitting in his spot, not too far away from Law. "Oh, good morning Papa!" I smile wide as I skip over to give his cheek a kiss. "Morning lass." Pops chuckles before he returned to reading his newspaper. "Anyway, here's the card." I walk over to Law and hand him the plain white business card. He took it and looked it over, "I'll check it out on my break." "You can do that??" I tilt my head, "I thought you couldn't get involved on the medical side of things because your involved with me personally." "That may be true but it doesn't mean I can't stick my nose in." He finished his coffee, "I'll let you know as soon as I find something out." He stands and walks over to give a small kiss.
"Have a good day." I watched as Law left to get his clothes and then hurry out the front door to get home for his work uniform.
"Faith, I would like you to spend the day with me." Pops spoke up, breaking the silence and pulling me out of thoughts I didn't realize I was stewing in.
"Sure!" I nod, "Should I dress casual?" "Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable." He replied, turning the page. "Aye Aye Captain!" I grin as I pretend to salute him and then hurry back to my room to get dressed.

Back on Grove St, a couple of people stood before the little house with fenced backyard and the forest directly behind it.
"The house is cute." The woman spoke up as she tied up her hair into a bun. "Please focus, we have a limited time until Madam Ren and little Nala comes back from shopping." The man grumbled as he walked forward and swung open the gate, surprisingly unlocked. "Yeah yeah, I hear you." The woman rolled her eyes as she followed after the man, she jumped slightly when a gigantic white dog slid through a doggy door and stood between them and the front door to the house.
He growled lowly and bared his teeth. "Can we please keep the doggy?! He is so cute!" The woman squeaked, "And Nala does want him." "That makes him your responsibility." The man grumbled again, pulling out a tranquilizer gun and shot the dog twice to make sure he stayed down. "It looks like rain, better hurry." The woman hurried over to the drugged dog, now struggling to stay his ground against them. "What else are we here for?" "Just a bit of a warning to them, especially for messing with my underground company. Joker is not happy that the Newgates arrived and trashed the place looking for the fool who didn't throw away his burner phone." The man cracked his knuckles before he gripped the crowbar that was in his left hand, "Once inside take anything you can get your hands on. Tear up everything." The woman gave a thumb's up as she hauled the dog back to their van that was parked around the corner. Luckily for them that it was dark and cloudy when they arrived. The doctor would not be home until late and Faith was busy helping Newgate.

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