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"This is for the final points." Usopp started to explain as everyone got in their positions and I give a small smirk at Law, "Decided to join the game in it's final stretch?" He returned my smirk but shifted a bit to be ready for the ball. "It's our ball." Nami spoke up as she took the ball from Usopp and walked over to the backside of our side. "I'll serve, if you don't mind." I waded in the water to her. "Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded, "Yeah, just once." "Sure." She smiles and we switch positions and I turn to the men, spinning the ball just a bit in my hands. I tensed my legs a bit and when the whistle blew, I threw the ball up and then smacked it as hard as I could to the other side. Killer was quick with the rebound off his wrists and Sabo smacks it back to our side. Boa hit the ball backwards and Tashigi hit it back to the men. Smoker went for the ball at the same time Law did and they jerked back as to not collide with each other and the ball landed in the water. "Point for the girls!" Brook exclaimed from his position on the deck next to Usopp and Ace. "Woo!" Tashigi waded over to high five me and I giggled, "Nice shot!" "It's not over yet." Law smirked again as he took the ball and he positioned himself to serve the ball. He switched Killer and Smoker. Sabo shifted to the front. I positioned myself to the back "Nami, switch with Boa." "Got it!" Nami gave me a thumbs up and the two women switched positions. "Prepare for a long shot." I muttered to Boa as she stepped behind me. I glanced back to Law and gave him a small smile. He may have be amazing with strategies but I wasn't too bad at countering. Law threw the ball up and everyone tensed, but he caught us all off guard with a short hit to the ball. Tashigi jumped for it with Nami but they just barely missed. "My bad." I gave a sheepish smile. The girls waved it off and prepared for the next attack.

I leaned over, resting my hands onto my knees and took a deep breath, "This game is too long." We had probably started around close to 6 pm and it was like 1 in the morning. "Ah, so this is what being sick is?" I heard my boss' voice and we all turned to the patio door to see Thatch and Marco walking in with a couple of beer bottles in hand. "Uh...?" I stood and tugged my earlobe again, "I can explain." I turned to Koala, "Can you tag in?" She gave me the brightest smile, "Sure!" And took my spot as I lightly jogged over to the two eldest brothers.
All three of us took a seat at the picnic table out in the garden. Marco handed me a towel, "You seem cold." I accepted the towel and wrapped it around my body, "Kinda, we've been at this stupid game for hours." Thatch took a seat, "So what's the story Fae? You have never skipped work in the 2 years that you've been working for me." I sat down across from him, wringing out my hair, trying to figure out where to start. He took a sip of his drink and I wrinkled my nose at the strong smell, "Originally I skipped work because of a very personal matter..." I glanced at the little flowers. I didn't want to make eye contact as I thought about the sexual act that kept me from work. "Fae, my eyes are over here." Thatch spoke up and I looked back at him, "I know." He set down his bottle and then leaned forward a bit, "You know you can tell me if something is seriously wrong." "Why do you say that?" I asked. "You seem nervous." Marco cuts in, taking a seat next to me, "Is something going on in your relationship?" The two tense and slightly turn to glare at Law, who shifts around, probably sensing the dagger glare. "Oh, no!" I shake my head and chuckle lightly, "The relationship is going perfectly." They relax at my words. "We just had personal time and I woke up late, forgetting about work." I admit shyly, "I later left to spend the day with Robin and talk but the group happened to be in her cafe. We talked for a minute," I gripped at the towel, "...and then...I had a panic attack. Once it was over, Ace suggested that we have a game day to take my mind off of it and we ended here at the volleyball game." "Ah," Thatch give me a smile, chuckling a bit, "You could have just told me. You didn't have to lie." He leaned forward and took my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Sorry." I cleared my throat, "It's just I guess sometimes I forget that I'm surrounded by trusted people." Marco leaned back a bit and then he frowned, sitting forward, "I thought you had gotten through really bad attacks." "I did but some random number had texted me triggering words." I told them. The air tensed again around me. "A random number?" Marco asked. He sounded quite serious. I nod, "Yeah. I can show you on my phone." I get up and hurry to go to my phone from the pool table.
"Here." I unlock the phone and then pull up the messages. I push the phone to them to not see the words. They both looked at the number and Thatch frowns, pulling out his own phone; scrolling through his contacts for a couple of seconds. "That looks like the exact number." Marco leans over Thatch's shoulder to get a closer look. His face changes to match Thatch's and they both get up from the picnic table, heading back over to the pool.
Marco caught the ball before Nami could smack it as Thatch calls out. "Ace." He makes some kind of gesture that he seems to understand and hurries over to his brothers. I hurry after them, "What are you guys doing?? Do you know the number??" I grab at Thatch's arm but he just pats my hand, "Stay here." Before moving my hand to Law's as he comes to stand next to me. "What are you talking about? What's going on?" I frown, confused and starting to worry. They don't answer me but start to make their way through the mansion.
I turn to look at everyone. We all shared the same puzzling look. "Okay, why don't we just relax in the pool?" Law suggests as he pulls over a large floaty. I shrug as Brook begins to strum his guitar to lessen the tension in the air. We lay down together on the float as Kid and Killer get out of the pool for more food.

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