ch. 3

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As the days started to tick by after that last encounter, the distance between them seemed to grow formidably, Dream helplessly watching the next couple weeks come and go, his uncertainty settling in along with the twinge of disappointment and an unshakable anxiousness as time kept passing by with absolutely nothing happening with them, a stark absence of George's advances with no explanation making Dream question everything.

He didn't know how to proceed after the other just pulled entirely away, Dream lost in a swirl of what the fuck possibly went wrong.

First, he thought it was regret, that George realized they went too far and wanted to cut them off before the point of no return occured. But, there was something about the other's demeanor, how George didn't really seem to care if they crossed the line as long as he got what he wanted, which just never made that theory fit the bill quite right. So, Dream surmised it must be something else that was causing this standstill.

Maybe it was a lack of interest.

Maybe it was.. disgust.

Despite all his distress, mind going down every possibility until he was driven into exhaustion, Dream didn't actually say anything, instead just dwelling in his hurt and sting of rejection like any move of reconciliation was hopeless. Because, if George decided it was over then, well, it was over. No matter how much Dream wished they would continue.

It felt like it only got worse the longer this went on, Dream slowly seeing and talking to George less and less, only catching glimpses and the other constantly brushing him off saying he was busy when Dream dared to even bring up something innocent like their plans for dinner. But, alas, each and every one of Dream's meager attempts at conversation were denied, leaving him alone without any indication of why.

Just nothing.

It was difficult at first to truly accept, but eventually Dream started to give in. This could very well be how their relationship was now, that getting closer physically ended up being a mistake, causing a strain between them with this unbearable radio silence from George.

Dream worried and worried, waiting for the bomb to drop, them having no choice but to go into some devastating talk that would result in George renouncing them for good and moving out, but, again, nothing, Dream not getting any reason for this seclusion, whether it was good or bad.

As he laid in his bed, mulling over for the thousandth time about their last more scandalous rendezvous, Dream wracked his brain on what he could have done differently or if this was always going to the inevitable end.

George did leave right after, which, Dream should have known that was a bad sign, definitely a negative connotation for sure. Maybe if he went after him or brought it up the next day, that could have changed something.

Though, this might have been the path they were always going to follow, with George only ever going to take it this far, stop them here when he had enough of his fun.

Dream felt snubbed, played, annoyed. Scorned that he was strung along that left him with no chance to get them back, since they weren't anything to begin with.

Though, his bitterness subsided, a guise for what truly lay hidden beneath Dream's weak cover of vexation.

No, he had to admit, turning over on his side with a weary sigh, it wasn't that. He was sad, mournful in his misery of being so cruelly spurned.

He felt the tears start to form, the tightness in his chest constrict, throat strained, lungs pained from his effort to keep calm, to not let the emotions boil over that were clawing to get out.

Dream was stupid, being upset over losing something that wasn't even his in the first place, what he knew deep down he would never get to have, probably never even let himself have.

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