Forgotten And Abandoned

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'Aren't these kids afraid of yokai? Dazai thought. May be they don't know they are yokai. Most parents told scary stuff about them to the kids. Like if you go to that river to swim alone a large scary monster will drag you to the depths of water sort of stuff. Sure they did have a dark side.

Wait were these kids knew of something that is scarier than yokai.

'Why you kids entered the forest?' Dazai asked scrutinizing the chibi cubs. The kids had some reddish scars that are not severe. Probably from stumbling here and there in the forest.

'We ran away' Answered the red headed chibikko tilting his head like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Can't you see Dazai-kun...? They are orphans...well that's the word humans call to the kids who are forgotten and abandoned I suppose." Interrupted Ranpo, his sharp green eyes holding a gleam of sympathy. It's known that his parents were killed during the great yokai war. A lot of yokai understood the concept of being abandoned. Being forgotten. They were left to be forgotten by the whole human race. But Dazai never thought they did abandon their own kind.

Humans Beings: Creatures of vagueness.

Why you ran away? Dazai didn't ask that question. They ran away because they saw something cruel. Heard something cruel and may be were the victims of certain cruelty. That much was obvious even to tree trunk licking skinny chameleons.

That evening Dazai got to know that the white haired boy was younger than chibikko. His name was Atsushi...Atsushi Nakajima. Other kid said his was Chuuya Nakahara.


Sorry this is really really really a short chapter. 

Again I beg your pardon.

Damn! I'm not in the mood to write now. And yeah I made Chuuya shorter because I can. And no I don't have anything against chameleons.

I Don't Own any bsd art i use here. Thank you. But isn't this picture soo cute. I mean it goes with my story...

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