Ada's New Boss? Secret partner?

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"I wish I never met you!"

Those words were echoing through her head, once again, every morning since Bora said those very lines.

As much as Ada tried to forget what he said, tried to forget him, it didn't work.

All her love for him slowly turned into anger and stress, mad that he didn't listen to her, didn't listen to what she went through. That he didn't keep his promise of never leaving her. She turned her anger and stress to working harder and harder, to at least make one of her dreams come true: Being a famous writer.

Ada has now settled in with her new boss. She once again was the assistant for her boss, Sinan Mavisoz. But she also writes articles for their company too at the same time

Ada: "Here's your coffee, Mr. Sinan"

Sinan: "Like I said, you can call me Sinan. Your the head of the writing team and I'd like to think we are close friends,"

Right in that moment multiple flashbacks had occurred:
(Bora and Ada at the beach when they first kissed)                                                                                                      "Ada after everything we went through-"                                                                                                                   Bora said while grabbing both of Ada's hands

"I think it's time for you to call me just Bora"

(When they were at the camp, when they held hands in front of Tugce and Ruzgar)

"Why don't you try saying Bora"
"Bora"                                                                                                                                                                                           "It fits well, saying Bora I mean. Say it again"                                                                                                           "Boraa!"

Ada was now fighting back tears, fighting back painful memories.

"Not today!!" she reminded herself

"Of all days, todays the big meeting"
Even if today was the day they first locked eyes with each other, and the day they left one another, for good.

Ada tried saying "Sinan" but she just couldn't say it. Whenever she tried to saying "Sinan" there would always be a lump in her throat that would form.

(Ada is currently playing with a pen, Boras favorite pen that he gave her)

Sinan: "That is a very beautiful pen you have. Writing with those pens is fun, but it is very difficult to use. I'm surprised your able to use it"

Adas face was now ghost white, as Sinan said word by word of what Bora said when he gave her the pen. As she tried to think about Duman, to get her mind off Bora, But just the thought of Duman gave her more memories of Bora.

Sinan: "Ada you okay? You used to talk a lot more in the first week you started working, you know it lightened up the mood. You should talk more".

The truth was, she used to act like nothing happened, and tried to be her normal self. But as time went on, it was harder and harder to talk and talk, without hearing Bora say "Sus"

*Ada clears her throat*

Ada: "Thanks! But here is the folder you asked for"

Sinan: "Thank you. We have to leave in about 5-10 minutes to meet up with our new partner. We've heard his company is very successful so I think this new project we have together, will be a success for both companies"

Ada: "Yes, but you still haven't told me who he is, or the name of his company"

Sinan then chuckled then said:

Sinan: "Hahaha, yes I know but I told you multiple times, it's a surprise. Both of us didn't want too much attention to this new project/partnership, so you will find out who he is when we go see him, so right about now".

When Sinan finished his sentience, he got a bit close, and when Ada realized this she immediately took a big step back

Ada: "S-sorry that's just a bit too close for me. I really like my personal space. I'll just get my stuff and then we'll leave"

Then Ada went to her office, not realizing that fate was bringing the person she loved and hated the most, back into her life. Not knowing that she was going up against the odds, once again.

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