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Welcome back friends

"Alright children, attention please." Announced Professor Caroline Lovette-who taught Astronomy-clapping her hands once to get the attention of the students. After a second or two when she had most  of her students' eyes on her she began speaking again.

"We have fifteen minutes of class left, and I've been thinking, instead of having homework, for the next four weeks you're going to work in partners that I will chose-"

Most of the students groaned at the thought of not being able to pick their own partner. The class consisted of Gryffindors, Slytherins, and Ravenclaws. Many of the Gryffindors didn't wish to be partnered with Slytherins, for most of them were prejudiced and many of the Slytherins didn't want to be partnered with Gryffindors, for, like I mentioned before, most of the Slytherins were prejudiced, and most, if not all Gryffindors sided with the muggles and muggleborns.

Of course there were a few exceptions who just wanted to get everything over with.

As for the Ravenclaws, most didn't mind, except perhaps Eugene who didn't particularly fancy working with someone who wasn't his friend, he always ended up doing all of the work unless he befriended the person while they worked, but if his partner ended up being a prejudiced student, the chances of friendship were quite low.

But I'm getting off topic here, let's continue.

"Oh come off it." Said Professor Lovette, placing her hands on her hips. "I will chose your partner. You and you're partner will be assigned four of Saturn's many moons to study about. On November 12th you and you're partner will present in front of the class and speak of everything you learned about those moons. I think that is more than enough time, I don't want to give you lot so much homework, I know you're busy already. This will help you for your O.W.Ls but it won't be to much work, just a bit of researching." She told them. "Now, please take out a piece of parchment so you can write down your partner and your assigned moons when I say them."

All of the students took out a piece of parchment, a quill, and ink from their book bags and sat on the floor, for they had no desks due to usually writing very little, most of the writing they did for Astronomy class being in Homework form.

The professor took out a piece of parchment with the names of the students in that current class and started naming pairs of students. "First pair is..." She said scanning through the list. "Whitewood and Lovegood-" A quiet sigh of relief was heard that was most likely from Xenophilius. "-and their moons are-" she snickered a bit at the irony "Pandora, Telesto, Aegaeon, and Epimetheus." She spoke slowly and waited a few seconds for them to copy down their moons.

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