twenty six

780 39 11

a/n: double !!

Benjamin sighs as he throws his shirt down on the ground. He'd gone through about sixteen different outfits, scared of being made fun of. Katen isn't the same stuck-up jerk though.

He sits down on his bed, grabbing his phone to text Noah.

- babe what r you wearing???

- idk prolly a shirt and pants

- seriously. what should i wear?

- it's just a dinner bebesita

- wear something cute ;p

Benjamin rolls his eyes while he smiles.

- fem or masc?

- def fem. pls

After a few more long minutes of contemplating and asking Gabi for advice, Benjamin settles on some straight-legged pants and a nice shirt that stopped at the top of his pants.

He wasn't sure if this was supposed to be a formal dinner, so he wears minimal jewelry. He steps in front of the mirror, tussling his hair. It was wavy after he had them in two small braids. He tilts his head to the side before shaking his head, covering his eyes, and taking a deep breath.

"You're okay. Everything's okay."

Benjamin looks back up into the mirror and smiles to himself. "You're okay." He pulls his phone from his back pocket to text Noah that he was on his way to pick him up.

On the way back to Noah's apartment, Benjamin gave himself a few more words of assurance. He didn't know why he felt so anxious, they'd already sat down together and talked.

Katen sat with a cigarette in his mouth. He was bouncing his leg up and down as Adrian was cooking the food.

"Don't be so nervous, Katen," Adrian turns around to face him. "It'll be okay. I'm sure he'll be able to at least forgive you. You know how they say forgive but don't forget?"

"I just hate how I treated him."

"But you apologized. You're not that person anymore."

Katen stands up, stepping to stand next to Adrian. "I threatened his life, Adrian. I...Hurt him...Like physically."

Adrian frowns and reaches out to grab Katen's hand. "You were a kid. You were following after orders from your dad."

"But I had a choice."

"Remind me what your dad said. Right now."

"He...He said if any of us were gay he'd..."

"He'd what?" Adrian crosses his arms.

"He'd kill us."

"And you thought that was true, right? Cause he'd hit you guys before? Badly."

Katen sighs and looks down at his shoes. "Still ain't right. I shouldn't have hurt Benjamin. Benjamin isn't my dad. He didn't do anything to me."

"I know, baby. I know. But...At least you're trying, you know? You're making the effort. You apologized to Johnathan...And Zoē, and Kiara. What'd your therapist say?"

"To make as many amends as I can."

"And you're doing that. So...If anything I'm proud of you."

"An apology can only do so much, Adrian. I...I don't know...I know he's not entitled to accept me and everything. I just...Sometimes I wake up and dream I was someone else."


"I bullied Benjamin cause I wanted what he had. He had a mother who loved him and was proud of him. He had this boyfriend who'd protect him from people like me. His friends were all tight and supportive."

Katen shakes his head. "What if I was like...Born into a different family? Would I have been able to be the person I wanted to be?"

Adrian shrugs his shoulders. "I...I can't answer that. But right now, at this moment, you're becoming that person."

"People are always gonna look at me and think about how I was a monster in high school."

"Not if you show the change and growth. Come on, Katen. You gotta have faith in yourself."

"It's gonna be okay, bebesita."

Benjamin was staring at himself in the mirror of Noah's bathroom. "I-I know but...I'm just so afraid. God, I hate feeling like this."

Noah grabs his cane and stands up from the bed. He strolls into the bathroom and stands behind Benjamin.

"You look great, you smell great, and I'm gonna be right here with you." Noah rests his chin on Benjamin's shoulder.

Benjamin looks up at him through the mirror.

"You're sweet."

Noah stands up straight and smiles. "Never lost my charm, did I?"

Benjamin turns around and shrugs. "Meh."

"Oh really? So...All of that didn't swoon you?"

Benjamin ponders for a minute. "I've heard better." He says sarcastically.

Noah hums. "Oh...yeah. All those nights at the club rubbing up on jevos?"

"My Spanish dictionary is limited, Martinez. You should know that. But if we're referring to men, then yes."

Noah chuckles. "That's right."

Benjamin rolls his eyes and pushes on Noah's chest. "Come on. We have a dinner to go to."

Benjamin parks the car and sighs. "We're here."

Noah smiles at him. "It's gonna be okay. You think this wine is a good gift to bring them?"

Benjamin glances over and nods. "Mhm. Gabi said it's top-shelf."

"Oh yeah, she got money, money." Noah looks down at the wine bottle before handing it to Benjamin. "Here. Remember, I have to drink in moderation."

Benjamin chuckles and grabs the bottle from Noah. "One last check...How do I look?" Benjamin turns in his seat to completely face Noah.

Noah sits up and tilts his head. He reaches out to fix some of Benjamin's hair before carefully caressing his face. He leans in and kisses him twice before pulling away.

"How's that for an answer?"

Benjamin can feel his face getting warm as he started blushing. "God, I hate you."

Noah chuckles. "You look good. Now let's go."


𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 (𝘣𝘹𝘣)Where stories live. Discover now