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Zach walks into the house, seeing Nessa taking a nap on the couch. He furrows his brows as he sets his work bag down. "Livy? I'm home."

Olivia looks at Anna and smiles. "Give me a second?" She stands up from the table and walks to the front door. "Hi, honey."

Zach smiles and kisses her before glancing at the couch. "Uh?"

Olivia looks over and nods. "Anna is here."

"What? Why?" He begins taking off the jacket to his suit. "Not-...That it's a bad thing....I just-."

"She came in asking about Benjamin. She and Damien got into a fight this morning." Olivia shakes her head. "She was shaken up. Had a fresh cut on her hand."

"From him?"

"I don't know. She told me she slept in Nessa's room last night. I'm just trying to comfort her."

"Did you tell her about Benny's abuse?"

"No...I don't have the right. I've texted Benjamin, asking if he'd come by but he hasn't answered." Olivia grabs her phone from her back pocket. "Maybe he's sleeping. He had therapy about an hour ago."

Zach nods his head and walks into the kitchen. "Hey, Anna. How are you?"

Anna smiles softly. "I'm okay. How about you?"

"I'm great! Uh, will you be joining us for dinner? I could order something or...Make something?"

Anna smiles and shakes her head. "Uh, I-I'm not sure. I should probably call Damien."

Olivia nods her head. "Maybe...Invite him for dinner? And, I can see if Benjamin can come by."

Benjamin reads over the text his mom sent him and furrows his brows. Noah walks back into the apartment, a crème pie and bottle of wine in his hands.

He wanted to surprise Benjamin and celebrate his accomplishment at work.

Noah smiles and sets the things down on the table. "Okay, now...What should we order for dinner?"

Benjamin stands up and shoves his phone in Noah's hands. "Why does my mom want dinner with me, my dad, and Anna?"

Noah grabs the phone, shaking his head. "What the fuck?"

Benjamin sighs. "Oh shit. You think Damien told my mom what I said? I told you I should've apologized."

"Are we gonna go?"

Benjamin sits down and shrugs. "Should we?"

"It's up to you, bebesita. I can't make that decision for you but you know I'll be right there with you."

"Hi, love." Olivia leans in and hugs Benjamin. They had decided to go, as Benjamin was convinced he needed to apologize.

"Hey." He pulls away from the hug and doesn't make an effort to step inside the house yet. "Is he angry? I'm really sorry, mom. I know I shouldn't have said that to him, or about his family but I was just feeling so-."

"Stop, honey. It's okay. Why don't you just come in? Anna wants to talk to you about your dad."

"Okay," He glances back at Noah and nods. "Okay."

Benjamin walks into the house, seeing Anna already at the table. Nessa was sitting in the living room with someone's phone, watching a movie.

Benjamin reaches back to grab Noah's hand as they both sit down together. Zach smiles at him. "Hey, Benny."

Benjamin smiles back. "Hi, Zach," He glances at Anna. "Where's dad?"

Olivia walks back over with a dish of bread. "Well, he said he was gonna show but ultimately didn't."

Anna looks at Benjamin, nodding. "I'm really sorry."

"No need to apologize. I-I'm really sorry. For what I said about him and...About you and Nessa. I'm sure he's a great father and husband to you."

Anna shakes her head. "You don't have to apologize."

Benjamin looks at his mom. "So? What's up then?"

Olivia looks across the table at Anna. "Anna? Since this was your idea?"

Anna nods again and looks at Benjamin. "I hope I'm not crossing boundaries, or making you uncomfortable. But...Your father has never told me the truth about...You. I just...We have a baby. And he's a stepfather to my other two children and I don't know if I can trust him."

Benjamin clears his throat. "I-I'm sorry, Anna. What are you asking?"

"Would you be willing to tell me? What he did to you?"

Benjamin blushes and looks over at his mom, having a look of sympathy, before glancing at Zach, who looked mildly uncomfortable. "Like from...Start to finish?"

"Only if you're comfortable." Anna tries.

Benjamin takes a few seconds before speaking again. "It started when I was around seven or so. I can't remember an exact age but it was around that time. Just simple things like pushing and stuff,"

Benjamin reaches under the table to grab Noah's hand. He shakes his head. "I think the first time he'd ever hit me was when he caught me playing in one of Moms' dresses. He never liked that I was into girly things, or even just playing dress-up."

"It evolved from that. From shoving to punching and kicking and all that. I'll spare the details but...It was kind of an everyday occurrence. I didn't go a single day without him putting his hands on me."

Benjamin can see Anna's eyes beginning to get glossy and he considers stopping there, lying to her and saying he stopped when he and Olivia got a divorce.

But no. He didn't deserve to cover for his dad. Not after everything he'd done to Benjamin. He's covered for him for years and he was done hiding.

"When I was 13 I came out to Mom and Dad. I was...Cutting myself and dad knew before mom. He used that to his advantage and would press on my arms and stuff. Tell me that I deserved everything I went through cause I was choosing a disgusting lifestyle."

Benjamin shrugs. "Told me to keep it a secret from Mom. That it would destroy her and it would be my fault. Somehow concord me to hide it from mom for years. Forced me to cover up and not wear short sleeves or shorts or anything."

Olivia lets out a deep breath as she sits back in her seat. It was hard for her to listen to Benjamin talk about this while not showing little to no emotion.

"The divorce happened and he hadn't hit me ever again. Not even when they briefly got back together until that night at your house. And he hasn't but the verbal stuff has always continued."

Benjamin looks up at Anna and frowns. "That's pretty much the story. And I'm so sorry you had to hear it."

The doorbell rings causing everyone at the table to jump a little. Zach clears his throat and smiles. "I'll get the door."

He stands up and walks to the front door, revealing Damien. Zach glances back at Anna before back at him. "Uh, come in."


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