Chapter 3

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Amity wandered around the long and empty castle hallways, with red carpets, thinking would she go or not? It was Thursday morning and she had few hours to decide.

"Why would I go? Why would I risk it?"
Amity was frustrated.
Then it hit her, the anger for her mother, the anger when she announced that she couldn't left the castle, the anger when she had to leave her friend in the village. The anger when she was just a five year old little child.
"You know what? I am gonna go."

Amity's opened her turquise, short hair from a high ponytail while she stumped down the hallway to Edric's and Emira's room.
She knocked on the door.

"Come in." Emira's voice said behind the door.
Amity opened the door and walked in.

Amity saw, surprisingly, a clean room, there was no clothes on the floor, no pillows on the white walls. They had even made their bunk bed.

"Oh, its you." Edric said sounding relived.
He made a circle with his finger, breaking the illusion.
In a blink of a yellow eye of the whole room was a mess. There was pillows on the lamp and books on the greenish wall.
The blue bunk bed was covered in red paint and the blankets were burned.

"Well you decorate like this, but please clean up before we leave." Amity sighed.

"Did you say we?" Emira asked excitedly.

"Yup." Amity smiled. "But we must leave before I change my mind."

"Yes ma'am." Edric said and started to clean the room. "A little help?"

Emira started to put the books away while Amity created an abomination to make the bed.

"This is enough." Amity said when only a few paint drops were on the bunk bed.

"Great, go change, meet us in ten minutes at the gates of the north wing." The twins said and Amity rushed to her room.

Luckily she didn't have to clean her room. It was already clean and not covered in paint.

She opened her wardrobe and looked her most unroyal outfit like she was instructed. She didn't find any unroyal, but right before she was giving up, she found an old, wrinkly and one-layered dress that's she made herself a few years ago. her mother didn't let her use the dress because it was very, well... Uh, unroyal.

She sneaked out of her room very quietly holding the dress, when she heard her mother's voice around the corner.  She was talking to the guards.

"Oh no." Amity said in her mind and hid the dress behind her back.

"Ah, Amity darling." Queen Odalia gasped when she noticed Amity.
"How are you, I haven't seen you this morning. "Where are you going?"
Odalia asked and looked her daughter in the eyes.

"I was going to the library." Amity said the first place that popped in her head.
"Yup, library, I was going to read books about the Titans."

Odalia looked deep in her eyes.
"Great!" Odalia said happily. "You should encourage your older siblings to read more too. I am not happy how they spend their time." Then she left.

"That was close." Amity thought in her head when she continued to walk to the gate. "But why she's not happy with Em and Ed?  I thought she didn't care what they did."  When she passed the library, she went there and asked for the books of Titan war, just for sure, if her mother suspected something.

When that was done, Amity literally ran to the gate. When she saw that Edric and Emira weren't there she went to an old bathroom, they was never used, and so never cleaned, and changed the dress.

She hid her black shirt, purple leggings and the neckless that her mother gave to her, under a drawer.

When she came out she saw the twins standing at the gate wearing. She didn't even know what. They even had dyed their turquoise hair blonde. And Emira had let her hair down.

"Let's go." Amity whispered to them.

They came to a little window that was just  big enough that they would fit through it. One by one.

"Ready Em?"
"Ready Ed?" The twins looked at each other and made a big blue circle where  one person could easily be able to stand normally. The window opened and a very long sheet flew down the window.

"Little sisters first." Edric said.
He bowed and pointed his hand to the window.

Amity walked to the window and squeezed through it. She got down the sheet and finally was outside the castle walls. She landed and went just laying to the green lawn. It was so soft and prickly. It felt amazing. She enjoyed the warmth of the yellow Sun, and wished she could lay there forever.
Edric and Emira came down a little while later and then made the sheet disappear.

Emira looked up to the sky. The sun was only a bit over its highest point.
"Let's walk in the forest first. Its too early to go to the village, when the sun haven't set.

"That's fine for me." Amity said and jumped up.

Edric led them to the dark oak forest. The journey was not too long. The forest was a few hundred meters to the West if we looked from the castle, and the village was to the South.

Amity ran down the rocky dirt path and jumped on rocks. She was full of joy and happines when she got to be outside the castle in the forest.
The twins just followed her and smiled.

The siblings ate berries and wandered around the forest, listened to the birds beautiful song and fed a few fluffy squirrels that came across. They had an amazing time, but it was time to go to the village.

Amity said goodbye to the forest and followed the twins down a yellow path do the edge of the village.

"Here we are." Emira said very confidentiality.
"Oh, and here my name is Raven and Ed's name is Robert."

"What is your name?" Edric asked.

"Uhh..." Amity needed a little time to think. But she remembered the little amethyst ore she found in the forest.
"Is Amethyst okay?"

"Yup. Its a very beautiful name." Emira said and started to go down to the village.

"I am going to the village, this is gonna be an amazing night.  Amity thought and followed her siblings down the path.

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