Chapter 5

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"Want to dance?"

Amity didn't know what to say.
She just started at the girl's eyes. They sparkled like crystals in the night.

"Yes." Amity finally got something out of her mouth, after a time that felt like forever.

"Great!" The girl grabbed her hand and pulled her in to the circle of dancing people. "You know the steps?"

"No, actually I have never heard this song before."

"Good!" The girl said happily.

"How is that a good thing?" Amity asked confused.

"You just go with the flow, if you want an example, look around."

Amity looked around and saw that every pair was dancing differently.

"So shall we start?" The girl asked.

"Yes we shall." Amity answered happily and smiled. She took the girl's hand and got pulled in a twirl the moment their hands touched, and ended up in a waltz pose. A few steps of that and then a bit of swing dance. She did a little bit of stepping and then a couple poses of ballet. Then she lead some dance moves that were completely unknown to Amity.

"Wow, you know how to dance." Amity said when the song ended.

"Well thank you. It was a pleasure to dance with you." The girl smiles and bows slightly.
"You don't know how to lead, do you? Or did you just not want to?" The girl says with a little play sound in her voice when she looks at Amity.

"Well you certainly knew how to lead so I just went with the flow." Amity says chuckling.

They both burst in to a laugh that ended when Emira and Edric came to them.
"You seem to have fun, but sadly we have to leave for today." Edric said with an unfortunate sound in his voice.

"Then very well, I hope I get to see you soon again." The girl said and looked at Amity and winked.

"Did she just wink at me?!" Amity felt her face light up like the bonfire."Oh no, I hope she can't see my face blush."

"I-I hope I see you too, a-as soon as possible." Amity tackled.

The twins had already started walking up the rocky path.

Amity nodded to the girl and went after them, but turned around and ran to the girl.

"Sorry, but I didn't catch your name." Amity said while catching her breath.

"Luz, Luz Noceda If were are specific."
Luz answered.

"My name is Ami... Amethyst." She almost spilled her actual name.

"Well it was nice dancing with you Ami-Amethyst."

"Just Amethyst." Amity fixed quickly and waved a goodbye. Them she ran up to her siblings.

"Did you have fun?" Emira asked when they were walking back to the castle.

"Yes! The best time of my life."

"I am glad." Edric humped happily.

They walked back to the castle chatting about the night, but got dead quiet when they reached the castle walls.

"Now you have to be extra quiet and careful." Emira whisperd as quiet as she could.

They made the sheet appear again and Edric started to climb first.

He gave a signal that it was safe to come up.

Amity climed as quiet as she could. She could feel her heart beating five times faster than normal.

When they were all up the twins made the sheet dissapear and and closed the window carefully.

Amity picked up her other clothes from the bathroom and then creeped in the shadows back to her room, on the fifth floor. Damm it was hard. She looked around her shoulder constantly, checking for guards.

Finally she made it to her room. Closed the door, changed and went to sleep. But she couldn't. She kept thinking about the night and how amazing it was.

She also thought about. Luz.

What a beautiful name it was. Amity wanted to see her again, for some reason. She only spent one dance with her. But that was magic. The way she lead all the twirls and moves and poses. It made her just blush. It felt like her face was a burning tomato.

It felt like ages, but she finally fell asleep. But Luz came into her dreams. They danced and danced and danced around the bonfire, with no one around. The only sound was the fire and the dirt when their feet stumped to the ground.

Finally they stopped dancing and Amity woke up. Tired but happy.

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