Chapter 4

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Amity was ecstatic. Everywhere was people, light, music, and colourful pennants from the small houses red roofs to another roof.

And when Amity watched closer, some of the villagers were dragging something in huge wagons around the main street.
The street was a dirt road and the houses that were standing on it, were either made out of dark wood planks, stone or redish bricks. They were actually pretty beautiful.

The sun was setting down and painted everything in red and orange colours.

"Its so beautiful here." Amity whispered.

"Agreed." Edric said and took a deep breath, like he was trying to eat the colours.

"We should go down, the party is starting soon." Emira said while she jumped forward the street.

"Party?" Amity asked confused.

"Did we forgot to mention?" Edric tilted his head and poofed his short, now blonde, hair.

"This night the village trows a big party for the summer time." Emira turned around to say.


"Isn't it." Edric humped happily as they walked down the road.

Soon they had visited some of the shops and bought Amity some hair dye remover, because she gathered looks with similar hair than princess Amity.

"I am so stupid! I didn't even think about my hair!" Amity said to herself angrily when she stumped around a little side street.

"Don't worry, your hair is now brown. Let me dry it." Emira said gentelly.

Emira started to dry Amity's hair by drawing little circles in the air.

Amity's hair was now shiny and brown.

"Wow, it looks very nice." Edric looked amazed. I wish I could have that beautiful hair." He looked a little down but gave a little sarcastic smirk and poofed with his very short hair.

"Aww, don't worry, you have good hair." Emira gave a smirk back and slapped Edric's head genetally.

"Can we get out of this smelly side street now?" Amity sighed overdramaticlly.

"It would be my pleasure." Edric jumped and marched out of the side street in to the little people mass that had gathered while they were hiding in the side street.

People gathered around in a circle where were a pile of old planks, tables, chairs and Amity even saw a ripped sofa.

"What's happening? Amity asked her siblings when they went to the circle.

"They are lighting the fire." Emira wispered to her.

"Fire? But the sun haven't even set yet."
Amity said and pointed to the empty sky.

"What sun?" Edric asked.

Amity was surprised. Had time go that fast?

"People of Rine" A voice of a woman echoed in the village.

Amity saw a tall woman with bright blue eyes and ginger hair. Her face was full of happines and it looked like it could explode.

"That is the mayor." Emira whispered in Amity's ear.

"We have gathered around to celebrate the summer time. The sun that just set was the last of spring, and the one that rises tomorrow is the first of summer! But now less talking and more lighting up the bonfire!" She threw a big torch in the wood pile. A minute lasted and the pile was in huge flames.

The warmth of the fire was delightful, it went to the bones and Amity thought she could never be cold again. She watched how the red and orange flames danced with each other.

"Now the dance shall beging! The mayor shouted and jumped of the stage that Amity didn't saw because of the people mass.

The band started to play music and people were choosing partners for the dance.

Edric got asked to dance by a blonde girl and Emira went with a friendly looking guy.

Amity looked around, there were so many people that she didn't know what to do. Back in the palace she saw roughly ten different people a day.

She saw a hand reaching out asking to be a partner to the dance.

Amity looked up and saw a beautiful girl about the same height as her. The girl had deep brown eyes that were enchanted, and she had brown, fluffy hair, waving free on her ears that had black, dot earrings.
The girl was in a black, silver buttoned suit that had purple sleeves and a pink and white lace skirt, like a ballerina. The whole outfit was a bit funny but it didn't matter.

"Want to dance?" The girl asked.

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