Chapter 7

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"Luz goes to Hexside? She didn't tell me that." Amity was so surprised she didn't hear her mother start to speak.
"Well she didn't even had time to tell anything. I left so quickly."

"Right Amity?" Her mother's voice dug in to her thoughts.

Amity panicked, she had missed a question. This is so embarrassing.

"Uhh, yes." She hoped said the right thing.

She looked to her mother that nodded.

Amity was relieved.

"Did you like our castle?" Queen Odalia said to the class that answered "yes" in a choir. "Hexside isn't that far isn't it? Just a couple kilometres."

The class was quiet, but a few hands rise. The teacher gave Luz the permission answer.

"You are right my highness. The Hexside school is only ten kilometres to the East." Luz said very politely. Her voice was just perfect. All of it. Actually all of Luz was perfect.  "What am I thinking? I don't even know that girl, so I can not have a crush on her. Just no." 

"Thank you young student." Queen Odalia thanked. And spoke again "I was thinking that my daughter, princess Amity could come to test the school for a week, to see if she could come there as a student."

Amity was shocked.

"Me, in a school, an actual school, out of the castle?!"  She looked at her mother, but didn't see any warmth in there. She looked straight forward and didn't even flinch.
"She must be kidding. No, she doesn't even know what kidding is. But why? Why now, why not eight years ago?"

Amity heard a few quiet gasps.

"Princess Amity to Hexside?" She heard whispers.

"It would be an honor to have princess Amity as a student of Hexside." The teacher spoke. "We have to discuss this more with the principal."

"No need, I already did. Principal Bump agreed to my question. She will be in the abomination track and will be starting next week. I think she is ready for school, and has had enough of home school." She smiled so wide and her face was full of warmth but when she looked at Amity, her eyes were cold as an iceberg.

"I am only sending you to school, because I found about your little dream. When you will see that it's harder that home school, you will be locked in this castle. Forever. Home schooled." Queen Odalia whispered to her daughter with a toxic voice.

Amity stared into nothingness.

"She thinks I am nothing outside the castle, she thinks that I can't achieve anything. She just tries to prove it with this. I thought she was proud of me."  

Amity had the permission to leave the hall. The rest of the family stayed to answer questions.

Amity went to her room, changed quickly out of the dress to something comfier. Then she layed down to her bed and didn't get up until it was late in the evening.

She got up and sneaked to the kitchen to get something to eat. Her head was still spinning. Princess Amity to a school.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard her mother's and father's voice in the kitchen. The class had left only a few minutes ago.

"Send her to school like that after seven years, that and didn't even ask me? What kind of mother are you?" King Alador shouted to his wife.

"I am only doing it for her. So that she can see how cruel the true world can be, that she can not come anything if she leaves this castle." Queen Odalia shouted back.

"She is smart and ready for the "real world" as you say. And what is wrong her having some friends. She had a friend before."

"That half-a-witch was no friend to her. And she declined Boscha's and Skara's friendship! They were from good families."

"They were really mean. She said that herself." King Alador's face was almost red from the anger.  "Fine! Send her to school but when she is on the top of her class and surrounded by real friends you will see that she can survive in there. If you have bad school memories, that doesn't mean that she can have."

King Alador stomped out of the room. He didn't notice Amity, she was too deep in the shadows.

Queen Odalia leaned to the kitchen counter and muttered something that Amity couldn't hear. Then she left the room.

Amity sneaked in, stole an apple and rushed back to her room.

She sat on her bed and started to eat the apple.

"I remember Willow. She was very nice and we had so much fun together, but mother didn't want me to be friends with her. She couldn't do as much magic that I could. It didn't bother me but it bothered her for some reason." Amity thought in her head. "And Boscha and Skara. They were really mean. Bocha acted like she was the boss of the school students. Skara was just the follower. Mabey I'll try to talk to her when I go to the school."

I looked at the clock on my wall.

"But now I need sleep." 

I put the apple core on my table and went to sleep.

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