Chapter 8

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Amity woke up to the Sun shining through the curtains in to her eyes.

She blocked the light with her hand and closed the curtains.

She walked to the other side of the room and opened the door to the bathroom.

She put her short hair up to a bun and washed her face. Amity looked in to the mirror.

She saw her tired face. Tired, bored face.

"Can a morning start better?"

Amity got out of the bathroom, and walked to her wardrobe.

Looking at the clothes thinking what to wear today, she remembered what happened yesterday. She was going to a school.

Amity quickly grabbed something from the wardrobe, a beautiful, dark red silk gown, picked up what was left from yesterday's apple and rushed downstairs to the kitchen.

She left the apple core to the cook's and went to have breakfast in the dining room.

Her mother and father were already there. Although, sitting far from eachother and staring eachother deadly into the eyes, while eating bobbly porridge.

Amity sat down to eat.

Queen Odalia said something first.

"Amity, you remember yesterday?"

"Yes, I remember yesterday." Amity answered. "You said I was going to Hexside."

"True." Her mother murmured quietly. "You will start the day after tomorrow." She said a bit louder while straightehing her ice blue coloured dress. It matched her eyes very well. Both cold and not necessarily disgusting but nothing nice either.

"Hexside has school uniforms right?" Amit asked not looking up to her mother.

"Yes, and you will get yours today. Principal Bump will also be coming here to visit you and talk with you about school." Queen Odalia said. "Oh and don't forget me and your father except good grades and that you will do very fine." She added.

"Yes of course." Amity sighed.

"Well your mother excepts that, I do not that much." Amity's father King Alador put down his fork knife he was holding.
"I expect that you find friends and that you are happy there. Of course good grades are amazing but not the number one priority."

Queen Odalia looked shocked. She hold her Oracle necklace and it started to glow. She was saying things to king Alador through her mind. That way she could say things she didn't want Amity to hear.

Amity was in shock too. Was his father standing up to her and finally not agreeing with Amity's mother?

While Amity processed this thing by herself the silent argument between her mother and father had ended.

"You will get straight A's and be on top of your class. End of discussion." Queen Odalia snapped and burst out of the room.

"Just be happy there okay?" King Alador said calmly. "You will be living in one of our servants home for the next couple months, becouse I believe you want to stay there a little bit more that just a week." He smiled and left the room, not following his wife, but going the opposite way.

"Okay, my father was being nice to me. Weird."  I thought to myself. "But this school experience will be nice, I am going to make sure of that."

A/N. Wowza! Another update! Thank you so much to you who are reading this far. I will try and uptade this story, or make a nice ending.
Love ya<3 have a nice life

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