Chapter 34

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Darson and I sidle up next to his car having finished our dinner and paying the bill. I open the car door but he pushes it close, his body making contact with my back. Whenever he is this close, it makes me nervous and fluttery. His nose running down the nape of my neck coerces me to inhale sharply. His hands are trapping me between him and the kiss planted on the skin of my neck makes me turn around and claim his lips.

The kiss is slow and enticing. I make the extra effort to keep it that way so he can fully cherish it. "I was never the kisser but gosh I can taste you all day." He says and this brings a fluttery feeling in my chest. His hands on my waist are like a mini fire stirring up on the surface of my skin. "Is this the show you part?" His forehead presses against mine as he pulls me closer and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Oh Meldeev. This is only a preview. When the real show begins, you won't just enjoy it. The only thing you'll know is Khara." I tease but the low growl he makes at the back of his throat is so hot that my comment may have backfired because I'm the one getting hot all over in the end.

"I love it when you talk like this. I'd give myself to you in a heartbeat if you continue like this." I laugh at this. He talks as though I am him and he is me. I'm kind of jealous of the girls who got to vibe with Darson that way. I want him all to myself.

I frown. He plants three chase kisses on my lips. "Let's get that frown to turn up."

I smile. "We should get going before people have to watch us make out in the parking lot." I gently push him in the chest with a playful grin. "Or are they allowed to see the preview?" I bite my lip and lean closer to him.

"No. I tend to operate under the no show no tell." He tilts my chin up to look at him while planting another kiss on my lips. "No kiss and tell." I grin. "I want you all to myself."

"How selfish of you." I push him away, the smile never leaving my lips when I open the car door. I settle down in the seat but is no way prepared for Darson's lips on my neck. My toes curl at the pleasure that runs through my spine. My fingers tighten on the seat as my eyes close.

"By all means be selfish." My words are breathy with a hum. "I don't want anyone but you." My words shock me. It isn't something I sat and thought about. It is abrupt and ridiculously truthful. Darson is one of those people that intrude on your life and after a while can never leave. It's like refusing a drug that you thought you might hate but after getting a dose of it you can't help but get addicted. You can't help but want more.

He pulls away to look at me and I keep his stare. "That's good. Wasn't going to give you a chance to choose otherwise." Darson clicks in the seatbelt over me and closes the door. The smile on my face is infectious. He drops down in the driver's seat and I keep my eyes at the front.


I exit DM Starlight Magazine with a smile. Promotion? She wants to talk to me about a promotion. Although I have no idea what that promotion entails I'm excited about it. Unfortunately, she's not going to be free until two days from now to actually talk about it. Then why tell me now? I'm anxiously excited.

I bump into someone and narrowly save my phone from uniting with the floor. The person turns out to be a guy who is now looking at me with narrowed eyes and a tiny smile. "Khara? Khara Meldeev?"

I smile, awkwardly with a nod. "Hi. Do I know you from somewhere?" I take in his casual wear.

"No but I'm a friend of Darson's. We go way back." My confusion dissipates.

"Oh. Nice to meet you." I say. I don't exactly like the way he's looking at me. It's not in the creepy perverted way but it really unnerves me. My phone begins to buzz in my hands. Darson.

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