Chapter 4

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Azumi's POV

It's my 1st day of work. Ever since I graduated from Hogwarts, I didn't look for a job so I don't have any experience. Even when I was still studying, nothing intrigues me. I manage to get decent grades though but I just wasn't motivated enough to be an Auror or a professor or even to be a herbologist.

I will give this sensory thingy a try so I can stay here in the village.

"Azumi-sama, you're here." Genma greeted.

"Hey, it's you again. What are you doing here?" I asked

"Welcoming you of course! Welcome to the sensory unit!" Genma said with a smile and suddenly, there were confettis falling.

"You don't have to do this, you know." I said.

"I just want you to feel welcomed." He said.

"You don't have to but thanks though." I replied.

"Let me introduce you to your boss." He said then we went to another room and there we saw a man with long blond hair.

"This is Inoichi Yamanaka. You will work for him starting today. He's a great mind transfer jutsu user." Genma said.

"Good morning. I'm Azumi Black. It's nice to be working with you." I said.

"Black? Why don't you use your father's last name? I know who you are." He said.

"Well, I grew up using my mother's family name and besides, all of my legal documents have Black written all over them." I replied.

"Well, that sucks. By the way, we'll be easy on you since you can see the future, we don't need you here every day. We'll just call you for something important. You can go rest and enjoy your day." Inoichi said.

"But won't I get in trouble?" I asked.

"Of course not! I'm the one who gave you permission and I'm your boss." He replied.

"Okay the. I'm going home." I said then Genma and I left the headquarters.

"Azumi-sama." Genma called me.

"Can you not call me that anymore? You're so formal." I said.

"Sorry. Since you have the rest of the day, do you mind going with me?" He asked.

"To where?" I asked back.

"I don't know. To a café? Let's get breakfast and talk a little bit." He replied.

"Are you asking me on a date?" I asked.

He blushed.


Fuck. I heard his thoughts.

"Y-yes. IF you don't mind?" He said shyly.

"Of course not! I could use some company." I replied.

We walk through the streets of Konoha then we reached our destination. We ordered our foods and then we sat down to a corner where there are no people.

"Azumi, why did you decided to go here?" He asked.

"I just wanted to see my dad but then I heard that he died long ago." I replied.

"If you have heard that your father's already dead, would you still come here?" Genma asked.

"Probably no." I asked. He just nodded his head.

I think so too.

"What's it like? The place where you grew up?" He asked.

"Well, it's sunny there most of the year even if it's already 9 pm. Its isolated, we don't have many neighbors which is good especially for me. We live near the beach so it's always cold at night." I replied.

"Don't you miss it?" He asked.

"I don't actually feel that much emotions. I don't know what 'miss' feels like." I replied.

"Ha? Are you for real?" He asked unbelievably.

"Yep. And you know, sometimes I forget what other emotions feel like. I rarely feel love and happiness." I replied.

"How can you live with that?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just got used to it." I replied.

"But I can feel anger and disgust. And sometimes, I just feel nothing." I added.

"You're really weird." He said.

Oh no! Why did I say that?

"It's fine, I don't feel offended." I said.

"You heard me?" He asked.

"I can't help it." I said shrugging my shoulders.

We finished our food then we bid goodbye. He went back to his duty while me? I'm just here again. Beside the lake, laying on the grass, looking at the clouds, contemplating my life.

"First day of work and you're already ditching?" Said by a familiar voice.

It's him. The boy with the gorgeous eye.

"What do you want?" I replied without looking at him.

"Do I have to court you just so you'll join us?" He asked.

"I told you, I don't want to." I replied.

"Then I'll have to use force." He said.

Before he could throw his kunai at me, I managed to whip out my wand.

"Petrificus totalus." I said then he fell into the ground.

Why can't I move?

I stood up and went near him.

What did you do?

"I won't wipe your memories. I want you to think what you almost did and figure it out yourself. I'm not weak like you think." I replied.

What are you?

I left the said place and walked through the sidewalk.

"Impressive." Said Kakashi up in the tree.

"You saw that?" I asked.

"Yes. The way you just made him not move. That's smart." He replied.

"If you saw that, why didn't you just punch him? You know he's dangerous right?" I asked.

"Yes, but I know you can handle yourself. He's no match for a witch like you." He replied.

"By the way, how can you keep me safe if he entered the village?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, about that, do you want to report it to princess Tsunade?" He asked back.

"But then she'll ask what happened to him and it will reveal that I'm a witch." I replied.

"So, no?" He asked.

"No." I answered.

We walk together through the park and when we reached an isolated spot, we sat down.

"I saw you and Genma earlier." He said.

"Oh really." I retorted.

"Genma is a nice guy. I won't be surprised if you fall for him" He said.

"Fall? You mean like, fall in love?" I asked confusedly.

"Yes." He replied.

"Oh, I have never been in love so I don't know what it feels like." I said.

"Not even a crush? Or infatuation?" He asked.

"Nope." I replied.

"So, you're innocent?" He asked.

"Not really though, I had a few mishaps here and there. And I also explored some kinks you know." I replied.

"WELL, I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" He said like he's embarrassed. I just laugh at him.

Why do I feel safe around him? And why do I feel so light when I talk to him? What am I feeling?

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