First Day

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Axel's (POV)

I saw him on the floor, dead. "Dad!" I screamed, but it was no use. He was gone.' I woke up panting, the cold sweat on my body making my clothes stick to my body. I looked at my alarm clock, and groaned. The glowing red numbers read 5:00 p.m. I put a pillow over my face, and tried to fall asleep. Tried being the key word. As soon as I shut my eyes, I saw my dad's lifeless body on the ground of our dinning room. He had drugs in his hand. Ever since my Ma died giving birth to my sister, who died 4 hours later, he started doing drugs. He died 10 years ago. I sighed, then got up. I grabbed some clothes, not caring which ones they were because I only have black clothes, and headed to the bathroom to shower. 'Thank god that we have sound proof bathrooms in this house.' I thought to myself as I stepped into the shower. I didn't want to wake Tim and Margret. They would just tell me to forget about him. 'How can you forget the man that took care of you ever since you were born?' I would wonder to myself. And I especially didn't want to wake up Lily. She was Tim and Margret's only real child. They couldn't have any more, so they decided to adopt. This was my 8th house since my dad died, and I know it will be my last. I'm getting to old to be in the system, so I will either stay here until I'm old enough to move out, or I will be the newest edition to the McGaddel's parking lot. I stopped thinking then, and just let the water calm my nerves, and relax my tense muscles. As I stepped out of the shower and dried my self off, I thought of what my new school would look like. I looked at myself in the mirror, and scowled. I had a zit on my forehead. I moved my hair around, until I was satisfied that no one would be able to see my zit. My hair was inky black, and thick. I had dark green eyes, and a earring on my left ear. People always think that I'm a sexy, bad boy, but I'm not. The bad boy part I meant. At all of my old schools, every girl on the campus seemed to like me. I mean it's flattering and all, but I'm not actually into girls. Whenever I tell them this though, they always tell me that I look to hot to be gay. And then they will just go back to flirting with me. I just hope that this year will be different.

I heard a knock on my door. I closed my book, How to Kill a Mockingbird, and paused the song I was listening to, Deranged by Coheed and Cambria, and pulled my headphones out. "Come in." I said in my deep voice. My voice dropped like 5 tones when I hit puberty. Margret opened my door. "Ah, you're up and dressed. Well there are bagels downstairs." She said. She had springy red hair, and light brown eyes. No one would ever confuse her as my mother. I nodded to her, and she smiled. She closed my door, then I pulled myself off my beanbag. The only things I unpacked was my bed, a beanbag, my clothes, and my books. I walked out of my room and jogged down the stairs. Tim was sitting on his reclining chair, watching Blue Bloods. Lily was stuffing her face with an everything bagel, with literally everything. "Is there anything you didn't put on that?" I asked. She somehow managed to scowl at me with her mouth full. She had gummy worms, cream cheese, candy corn, jelly, and more. Just looking at her made me want to throw up. She looked like her mom, but had her dad's brown, nearly black eyes. Tim almost looked like the chief in the show he loved. He had a dark black mustache and equally bushy eyebrows. "Be nice to your sister." Tim said from the couch. I was about to say that she wasn't my sister, but I held my tongue. Margret walked out of her room. "Oh, you decided to join us." Her shock was genuine. I didn't like hanging around with people, if you can call Lily people. I grabbed a bagel and put cream cheese on it. "I'm going to go to school." I told them. I started walking to the door, to grab my keys. "Remember to eat your bagel." I heard Margret call behind me. "Okay, Mar- Ma." I can't call her Margret to her face. As soon as I was in my car, a sleek black truck, I threw the bagel into my trash can. After watching my 'sister' stuff her face with that abomination, I lost my appetite. I grabbed my phone at the light, and put GPS on. I drove down a street called Swan Av. I looked around and it seemed like a rich people neighborhood. I looked at one of the houses, and in the driveway was a red Porsche. Then I saw a boy with dark brown hair, blue jeans, and a skateboard shirt on, get into the car. 'He's kinda cute.' I thought to myself. I shook my head, and kept driving. As soon as I got into the parking lot I saw a lot of graffiti, just not where I expected it. There was paint on every parking space in the lot. I saw a guy with white blond hair and crystal blue eyes talking to an officer. I parked my truck and started walking to the office when I overheard some of the conversation. "-you can't just do whatever you want." "I'm not doing whatever I want, I'm making art for the people." The blonde said. The officer pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, kid, I'm sure you think you are doing something good here, but the principle has been complaining my ear off. I'll tell you what if you can get 10 students to sign a petition saying they want these drawings-" "Art work!" "This'art work' to stay then I'll allow it. Deal?" The officer asked offering his hand to the blonde. The blonde shook it enthusiastically. "Deal!" I walked over to him when the officer was gone. "Um, hi, I'm new here, but I would like to sign the petition." I told him. His art work was truly amazing, I saw one that was of a couple holding hands on a beach, another of a wolf howling at the moon, and one of just simple lines. The blonde beamed at me. "Thanks! Oh and my name's Andrew. Andrew Miles." I smiled, and said, "My names Axel Chance." We talked about somethings on the way to class, which he had the same one as me. I could tell this was going to be a good year.

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