How Is He This Cute

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Mark (POV)

I walked into French class. Ms. Tomas was sitting at her desk, grading papers when I walked in. I sat in the back next to my friend Blake. "So, who was that new kid you were talking to?" He asked me. "His name is Axel." I said, dreamily. "Ooh, so he's hot." I looked at him. "Scorching." He laughed. I heard the door open and Max walked up to us. "What's this knucklehead laughing about. Blake waged his eyebrows. "Mark here has a crush on the new kid." I groaned. When I did I saw Max bit his lip. I've known he had a crush on me ever since 8th grade. 'I wish I could be as openly gay as Max was. But if I did come out then he'll think he has a chance.' I thought glumly. "So, what does he look like?" Max asked causally. I knew he was trying to see who the competition was. 'But, there isn't any competition.' "He looks a bit like a bad boy, but he's really sweet. He also wears only black." I could see Max making mental notes as I talked. "He also knows his cars." Max scrunched his nose at that one. He was so hopeless at cars that he didn't know the difference between a Ford Thunderbird and a Nissan 240SX. "Ooh, what type of car does he have?" Blake asked eagerly. "A Nissan Titan." Blake looked like he wanted to drool. "Attention, classer." Our teacher said. "Aujourd'hui, nous allons apprendre à prononcer les silabals français" Max looked lost at what she was saying. "Attention class. Today we will be learning how to pronounce french syllables." I whispered into his ear. My parents taught me french when I was 4 and I've been perfecting it over the years. "Thanks." He whispered blushing. 'Oh, Max. What am I going to do with you?' I wondered, shaking my head. We listened to the teacher, then repeated what she said back to her. I dug into my lunch box and grabbed a pear. "Here you go Ms. Tomas." I said giving it to her at the end of class. I knew she preferred pears over apples. " Ah. Merci Mark." "De rein." I told her. I walked out of the class room. "What was happening?" Max asked. Blake rolled his eyes. Max was utterly hopeless at French. "She said 'Thank you Mark.' And I said, 'You're welcome.'" "Oh." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Come on we'll be late to English 10." We practically ran to class since it was on the other side of the building. I saw Andrew walk into English 10. 'I didn't know he had this class.' "What's 'Fish Boy' doing here?" Max asked. I shrugged. Max dubbed him 'Fish Boy' ever since he did a dare with him and Max slapped him with a fish. Blake shrugged. We walked in, and Andrew was talking to our teacher, Mr. Violet. "Is everyone here?" Mr. Violet asked. "Yes." We all answered. Mr. Violet looked at Andrew and nodded. He shifted under all of our eyes. "U-um, I was wondering i-if any of you would like to s-sign this petition. It's about keeping the art work on the parking lot spaces." Everyone looked around as if they weren't sure if he was kidding. The drawings have always been there ever since we have been here. Even Max looked dumbfounded, although it isn't that hard for him not to get things. I saw Kaila May slowly raise her hand. "I have a question." "Yes?" Andrew asked nervously. "Who has already signed up?" "Um, Mark File," Everyone's heads turned to me. I gave them a smile. "Hayden Willis, Dawn Hapernell, and Axel Chance." "Who?" Asked Dustin May, Kaila's brother. "He's the new kid." Andrew answered. I saw Max stiffen next to me. Max's hand shot up. "I'll sign." "Me too,"  "Me three," "I want to sign," Almost everyone's hand went up. "O-okay." Andrew looked overwhelmed. "We'll pass around the petition, and those that don't what to, just pass it to the person next to you when it's handed to you." Ms. Violet instructed. I was the last one, so I walked the petition to Andrew. "24 petition signs, what did I tell you?" I said, smirking. He caught me off guard by hugging me. "And just think, I only needed 10." He squealed. I rubbed the back of my neck. "W-well it was no big." I stammered. 'Was he always this cute.' I looked at him. He looked absolutely elated. He had small dimples still, and a bit of baby roundness to his face still. I looked away when I realized I was blushing. "Well, I need to go back up." I didn't wait for a reply and walked away. As soon as I sat down, and class began. I was daydreaming of not only Axel, but of Andrew as well. 

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