Coming Out

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Axel (POV)

"Axel!" My head shot up. I groaned as my head hit the back of my headboard. I rubbed the back of my head. "What, you little freak?" I yelled back at Lilly. "Don't call your sister that!" I heard Tim yelled. 'She's not my sister!' I thought angrily. I got up and stormed down the stairs. "What do you want Lily?" I asked in a falsely sweet tone. She smirked at me. "I just wanted you to come down, because your boyfriend is here." My face turned deep red. "I don't have a boyfriend." "Yeah you do, he said his name is Jimmy. He's outside." She told me. I froze. I ran into my room. I looked around my bedroom, then locked my door. I looked out of my window, and saw Jimmy leaning against his jeep. He was staring at my window, and when he saw me he grinned. I was shaking now. I got away from the window and sat on my bed with my head in my hands. I looked up at my phone, hesitated, then picked it up and dialed Andrew's number. "907-562-8456" I muttered to myself, then wait while the phone rang. 

Andrew (POV)

I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and saw it was Axel. "Hello." I said after the second ring. "Hey, um Andrew, uh, Jimmy is at my house right now and-" "I coming right now." I interrupted, grabbing my keys. I heard him hang up, but that was the only thing I heard. As soon as I got into the car I called Mark. The phone rang three times before he picked up. "Yes?"  I heard him ask. "Jimmy's at Axel's house, I'm picking you up." I said angrily. I hung up before he could say anything else. I drove down St. Bulen the Washington Av. to get to Mark's house. I remember when my mom had dropped me off at his house once because we had a science project together. I pulled up to his house, and honked my horn. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" He said, while climbing into the passengers seat. I didn't wait for him to get buckled. I backed out of his driveway and drove out of his neighborhood. After a couple minutes of silence Mark finally said something. "Your speeding." He muttered, looking at my speedometer. I growled under my breath, but slowed until I was going the exact speed level. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I snorted. "I'm upset, and I'm sorry if I seemed mad at you." I told him. "Kay, just checking." I nodded once, then I reverted my gaze to the road. I tried to focus on the road, but I couldn't get the image of what Jimmy had tried to do to Axel last time. I took a deep breath then let it out slowly through my nose in an attempt to calm myself down. I drove down Bay Stone and kept driving until I saw Axel's truck. I growled when I saw Jimmy's gray Honda in the driveway. I parked  on the curb. Me and Mark got out of the car and walked up to Axel's driveway. Jimmy turned around and his smile faltered. I thought I saw his face pale slightly as well. "M-mark, Andrew! How are you both?" He asked with false sweetness. I looked up to the house and saw Axel. He looked majorly relieved. I turned my gaze back to Jimmy. "I'm good." Mark said he was as well. "W-what are you doing here?" He asked, his eyes narrowing. "Yesterday, me, Mark, and Axel made plans to drive to school together." I lied smoothly. He glared at us. "Oh, really?" I nodded crossing my arms. "Oh, hey Andrew!" I turned and saw Axel walking towards me with Mark behind him. "So, let's go." Mark said then he turned to Jimmy. "Sorry, Jimmy. Maybe next time." Jimmy glared before turning to get into his rusty car. "Ready to go to school?" I asked Axel whenever Jimmy pulled around the corner. He nodded. We all pilled into my car, and we drove to school just in time for first period.

{After school}

Mark (POV)

"You can just drop me off here." I told Andrew and Axel. "But your house is only a couple more blocks from here." Andrew said confusedly. "Yeah, but my parents don't really know about you both, and they'll be asking questions and- It's just better for all of us." I said hesitantly. Axel looked like he understood what was going on, and he looked sympathetic. "Why haven't you told them yet?" He asked. I rubbed my arm. The car was already off, and both Axel and Andrew were looking at me. "They're not as, um, acceptant of this as some people are." I looked away. After a couple seconds I felt Axel lift my face up so he could kiss me softly. He pulled away after a couple seconds so that Andrew could kiss me. When he pulled away they didn't have any sympathy on their faces, but they had care and love. Then Axel spoke. "You need to tell them." Andrew put a hand on my shoulder. "W-what if they kick me out, o-or they keep me from seeing you both?" I asked. The thought of never seeing either of them again made my heart ache. "If that happens you can live with me." Andrew said. "And they can't keep you from seeing us." Axel added. I sighed, then smiled half-heartily. I nodded, then said, "Yeah, what can they do?"

I took a deep breath and reached for the door knob. I looked behind me and both Axel and Andrew were nodding and giving me a thumbs up. I smiled as reassuringly as I could, then I took another deep breath and opened the door. "Ah, son you're home." My mother came out of the kitchen to come hug me. She was a small woman, with short blond hair. She had freckles, and laugh lines around her honey brown eyes. "Hi, mum." I said. She looked out the window. "Who are you're friends?" She asked. I froze. "That's Axel, and Andrew." I said monotonously. My mom looked at me. "Are you alright, honey?" I nodded. "Son! Come in hear!" I heard my father shout from living room. "I'll get dinner ready." I knew she meant she would supervise Maddie make it. I waited until she was out of sight before I started walking slowly to the living room. My eyes were glued to the design of the red birch wood floors in their herringbone design, until I came to the white carpeting that is my living room. I looked up at that point and was met with pictures of my parents wedding, my older twin sister and brother graduating together, and trophies of my accomplishments, and year book photos of me, my brother Mack, and my sister Rose. These were all on an oaken mantle on the wall with shelves underneath. I turned my head and saw my dad on his recliner reading the newspaper. The T.V. was on but I knew my dad wasn't paying any attention to it. "You wanted to see me dad?" I asked him. He looked up to look at me. He was a tall man with dirty blond hair, and kind green eyes. He had a well groomed beard and mustache. I got my height and hair from him, but my eyes and freckles from my mom. They were very sweet people, but they were utterly disgusted with gay people. Which is why I am absolutely terrified to tell them I'm gay. But no big, right? "Yes I wanted to ask you about your grades." I sighed in relief. "You are making good grades, solid A's, in most of your classes. Except however in French." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Explain." He told me. I looked down. "I'm good at understanding French, but I can't seem to write the words correctly." "Je pourrais te trouver un tuteur." My dad said. I knew he was just seeing if I was fibbing about understanding French. "Je sais ce que vous dites. Et non je vais bien." I said. He smirked, apparently amused. "Très bon." I grinned. "I'll try harder dad." I said, then I headed upstairs to my room. I walked up the carpeted stairs with my hand on the Ash wood railing. I went into my room and sat on my bed with y head in my hands. Ding! Ding! Ding! I picked up my phone. "Yes?" I asked. "Did you tell them yet?" I heard Axel ask on the other side. "N-not yet. I'm thinking about telling them after dinner." I heard Andrew sigh. "I promise guys." "Alright. Love you." Both Andrew and Axel said over the phone. "Love you too." I said, before I hung up. "How am I supposed to tell them?" I wondered aloud. 

Je pourrais te trouver un tuteur =I could find you a tutor.

Je sais ce que vous dites. Et non je vais bien = I know what you are saying. And no I'm fine.

Très bon = Very good

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