Why Me

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Mark (POV)

We just finished Geometry and were walking to the cafeteria. Both Andrew and Axel walked into the lunch line, while I found us a table. I sat down for like 2 seconds when someone came up to me. "Hey, Mark. Why aren't you sitting with us?" Max asked me. I was a little on edge so I might not have come off as nice as I would have liked. "I don't have to sit with you everyday, Max! I can sit with other people you know!" I did say that I was on edge right. "O-oh, right. W-well sorry for bothering you." He looked like a slap to the face wouldn't have hurt as bad. "I-" I was about to apologize, but then Axel sat next to me. "Sup, I'm Axel. What's your name?" Axel had no idea of the fire he just walked into. "So, he's the reason you aren't sitting with me, I mean us. Him." Axel looked utterly clueless. "What are you talking about?" He asked. Max snorted. His eyes glowed with hatred towards Axel. "I can't believe you don't see that he thinks you're hot. No not hot, sexy. He only likes you because you're good looking." Axel's face went from confusion to blank. "Oh." It was all he said. "T-that's not true. I like you for you, Axel." Axel looked at me with bitterness. No where in his eyes did it show that he believed me. He picked up his trey and threw it away. "Wha-" "I'm not hungry." He cut me off. He walked past Andrew who looked confused at what had just happened. I glared at Max but he was smirking at the back of Axel's head. I stood up and punched him. "What the f*** man!" He said clutching his stomach. "I don't like you, I will never like you. Get that in your f***ing head!" I yelled at him. Tears formed in his eyes, but I didn't care anymore. I ran out of the cafeteria to find Axel, Andrew at my heals. "Slow down!" He screamed at me. I sighed and stopped. "What happened?" He asked. I took a deep breath and told him everything Max and I said, and Axel's reaction to it all. He covered his mouth when he was done. "I've been talking a lot with Axel today, he's very talkative, and he told me he hated whenever people used to use him for his looks. He thinks that's what you were doing." I groaned. I wanted to punch Max again and again. "Well let's find him.

Axel (POV)

I locked myself in a stall. 'How could I have been so stupid. Of course he only liked me because he wanted to hook up with me. I'm not that interesting.' I cried as all of these thoughts went through my head. I didn't cry often, but whenever I let myself cry I cried. A lot. That's why most people thought I was a very big, tough guy. It was rare for anyone to see me cry. 'Why did this hurt so bad. I've only known this guy for a day. A day!' Then thoughts that I didn't what to see flooded into my head, making me cry harder. 'Me and him at our wedding, us adopting kids, our house together, me in his arms, his lips on mine' I hated every thought that came through my head because I wanted them to come true. I wanted to kiss his lips so bad. Then more thoughts went through my head. These were with Andrew. They were mainly the same, but a couple things were different, like how he was in my arms not the other way around. Then I heard a voice I definitely didn't want to hear.


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