Heartbreak or Misunderstanding

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Andrew (POV) 

I didn't even care that Mark left abruptly. I felt like I was walking on air. I was still going to go to other classes, just to rub it in the face of Officer Tale. 'More like Officer Tattle Tale.' I thought to myself. I was so happy I was practically skipping down the hallways. Then I saw something that broke me. Every chance I thought I had with Axel shattered. I saw Axel and Jimmy Blance kissing in the hallway. Then Jimmy started giving Axel hickeys. I didn't look anymore. It was too much. I ran to the bathroom, and locked myself in a stall, and cried.

Axel (POV) 

I was walking to the bathroom, when suddenly I was pushed against the locker. The person that did it started locking lips with me. He was about twice my body mass, so I couldn't move. His lips moved to my neck, and I saw a glimpse of white blond hair run down the hall. 'No, why? Why did he have to see this?' I hated everything this guy was doing. now that I could look at him, I saw that he was the kid that continuously flirted with me at my old schools. "Stop it!" I said as forcefully as I could. 'If he doesn't get off me I will kick him in the nuts.' He put his hands on either of side of my face. "I'm not letting you go again, sexy." His eyes showed lust. I was suddenly scared. He moved his head in a way that said he wanted me to go in the closet. I shook my head stubbornly. I moved his face so that he teeth grazed my earlobe. "I like them feisty. The more you struggle, the more I will f*** you up." I shivered. I fought back tears. "Hey!" Jimmy turned to see Mark and Andrew. There was fury in both of their eyes. "Thank you." I mouthed.

Andrew/ Mark (POV)

'How dare he do this to my Axel! I will kill him!' We both thought. Mark punched Jimmy in the face, while Andrew tripped him. When they were done Jimmy had a bruise on his head and a black eye. "He'll feel that in the morning." Mark said. Andrew laughed. Mark blushed. 'Does he like me? Nah.' Andrew dismissed that thought. They both turned to Axel. "Are you okay?" They asked him. Axel hugged the both of them, making them both blush. "I am now." "So, what happened?" Mark asked. "I was on my way to the bathroom, which one second," He ran to the bathroom. They both laughed. When he was back, he looked a lot better. "So, as I was saying, I was on my way to the bathroom, then I was pushed against the lockers, then was snogged by Jimmy. He wanted me to go into the closet to..." He didn't finish his sentence. Mark looked at Andrew. He was visually shaking with rage. He looked at Axel. "I'm sorry for running past you." Andrew said sheepishly. "I know how it must have looked." Axel said looking down. Mark wiped the hickeys off of Axel's neck. He looked at Mark gratefully. The bell rang then. "Well I have Geometry next." Axel said. "Me too." We said. Axel smiled at us. We all walked to Geometry, the last period until lunch.

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