Please, Stop

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Warning: They say lots of inappropriate stuff, so just skip this chapter if you don't want to be exposed to rape. I don't go into it and I bleep out the curse words for the most part.

Axel (POV)

"Come out come out wherever you are sexy. I saw you come in here. If you give me a good time I might forget the little incident your friends did." Jimmy said. I wanted to be anywhere but where I was. This was the perfect place for him to do what he wanted. There was only one escape and he was blocking it. I closed my eyes tightly. I heard the door open. "There you are sexy, although I wonder what you look like without your clothes on." His hands roughly grabbed me and threw me on the bathroom floor. I looked up and saw 5 guys behind him. 'He came with back up.' "I didn't want to have my boys miss out on you, so while 2 of them are guarding the door, these 3 are going to get in on all of this action with me." I was shaking so bad. Soon the bathroom was filled of sounds of my screams and their laughs. I tried to stop screaming, but it hurt to bad. It went on like this for what felt like years. "Yo, Jimmy, We have 10 minutes before the bell rings for 5th period." One that I learned's name is Quincy. I knew as the one who liked biting my neck. They got off me, and one called Wade threw my clothes at me. I quickly put my clothes on, but hadn't put on my shirt on yet . Sam pouted. "I liked him better without his clothes on. Especially his boxers." They all grinned. I looked in the mirror and was horror-shocked. My skin was covered with bite marks and bruises. Frank came up to me. His teeth grazed my earlobe and whispered, "If you tell anyone about this, it will get 10 times worse." He then he licked my ear. I shuddered. He pulled back and smiled wickedly. I hated all of them, especially Jimmy. The only thing he was focused on was my lower area. "W-what do you mean it will get w-worse?" I asked. I was terrified. 'What could be worse then this?' I thought. 'I can barely move as it is.' Zane leaned in so only I could hear. "We have more friends you know, and the more friends the more pain on your part." He leaned away. My eyes were wide with panic. I put my shirt on, but you could still see some bruises from where they gripped me way to tightly. The bite marks glared red at me. "If you don't want anyone to know about this, then what do you want me to do about the marks and bruises? And I can barely walk." Sam brought some foundation out and gave it to me. "The walking thing we can't help with. We can't help that our d*** are too big for your a**." They grinned. They put their on clothes on and yeah they've been standing naked this whole time. When they walked out, I wondered how no one came looking for me, or how no one heard me screaming. I put on the foundation then walked to my Spanish class. "Hola clase tenemos un nuevo estudiante." The teacher, Mr. Perez, said. "¿Podrías decir algo sobre ti en español si puedes?" "Si, mi nombre es Axel, soy de Texas y solo me gusta vestir de negro." I told him in flawless Spanish. Most of the kid's jaws dropped. "¿Eres fluido en español?" Mr. Perez asked. I nodded. "Mi padre me enseñó español cuando tenía 8 años." "Ah, buen trabajo." I smiled. I continued the day avoiding Mark and those boys from the bathroom. 'And, I thought this was going to be a good year.' I thought as I drove back home.

Hola clase tenemos un nuevo estudiante = Hello class we have a new student.

Podrías decir algo sobre ti en español si puedes? = Could you say something about yourself in Spanish if you can?

Si, mi nombre es Axel, soy de Texas y solo me gusta vestir de negro. = Yes, my name is Axel, I'm from Texas and I just like to wear black.

¿Eres fluido en español? = Are you fluent in Spanish?

Mi padre me enseñó español cuando tenía 8 años. = My father taught me Spanish when I was 8 years old.

Ah, buen trabajo. = Ah, good work.

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