Do I Love Him Enough

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Axel (POV)

I refused to sit on Mark's lap so right now he was sitting on mine.I was looking out the window when I felt Mark shift his weight on my lap. My whole body tensed when I felt his a** rub against my member. I swallowed back a moan. I wanted to kiss him so badly. 'Why did he have to be so close, it is driving me crazy!' I tried looking away from him, but then I saw Andrew. 'His lips look so kissable.' I put my hand in my mouth to stifle the moan that nearly escaped. Mark turned to look at me. I took my hand out of my mouth before he saw it. 'His beautiful eyes turn me on so much.' "You okay?" Mark asked. I nodded, but my eyes watched the way his lips moved. 'Why do I like them this much? I haven't even known them that long.' I licked my bottom lip. I saw him watching me. 

Mark (POV)

I wanted him. Badly. It nearly brought me over the edge when he started licking his lip. My heart was pounding harder then I have ever felt. Then I don't know what came over me, but then my lips were on his.

Axel (POV)

He's kissing me! No, no, no. No. This cannot be happening. 'But his lips are so soft.' The part of my brain that was head over heals for him moaned. 'But, he hurt me.' I countered. 'He likes you, is that so bad.' That annoying side of my argued. 'Then where is he whenever Jimmy and his gang continuously rape me? Huh?' Then that side of my brain went silent. 

Mark (POV)

I could almost feel him battling with himself over if he wanted this or not. I was praying that he might actually like me, that I wasn't just doing this for nothing. 

Axel (POV)

The smart part of me should have won, but I was still not pulling away, nor was I kissing back. Did I love him enough to kiss him, or was I too hurt by him to be with him?

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