Coming Part 2

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Mark (POV)

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about how to come out to my parents. It isn't like I haven't already thought about this, it's just how do you come out to homophobic parents? I groaned, then turned to lay on my stomach. I got my phone out of my pant pocket, then started looking through my e-mail. I wasn't really sure what I was looking for, but I looked though around 38 of my e-mails before I got bored. "Ugh!" I banged my head into the ocean blue blanket that covered my bed. "Honey, are you okay?" I heard my mom ask. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I groaned again. I picked up my phone and saw a message from Axel. Hey have you told your parents yet? I sighed. I told you after dinner. I typed back. Just checking. He wrote back after a couple minutes. I smiled softly. 'Well if things turn for the worst then at least I still have two beautiful guys to love and who love me back. I took a deep breath, got of my bed, then headed out of my room. When I reached the stairway I called down to my parents, "Mom, Dad, I have to talk to you about something."

"What is it Mark?" My mom asked me whenever we were all sitting in our living room. "Yes, what's on your mind?" My dad asked, his eyebrows furrowed together in concern. I sucked in a breath before I said, "Look, please keep an open mind about this. Also yes, I have thought a lot about this." I paused for a second, before my father gestured me to continue. I took another deep breath. 'Here goes nothing.' I thought. "Mom. Dad. I'm, uh, gay." I whispered the last part. I looked up, and they were looking at me confusedly. "We didn't here that last part." My father said calmly, but the look in his eyes showed he had in fact heard what I had said. "I'm gay." I said a bit louder. My mother shook her head, before saying. "You're just confused honey. You're not gay." "Yes I am." I said angrily. My father pinched the bridge of his nose. "Son," My father sighed. I crossed my arms. "Father." I said in the same tone as him. "Look, you aren't gay. You're just, uh," "I'm gay, dad. I like guys, and dicks. I also have a boyfriend." I told them, thinking that I would wait to tell them that I actually had two boyfriends. I'd let them get accustom to the fact that I like guys instead of girls first. My parents gaped at me. "You have a what?!" They both asked. I groaned. "Yes, his name is Andrew." I silently cursed and apologized to Axel in my head. "Andrew? You mean Flo Miles's son?" My mother asked. I nodded. She looked at my dad. "He does come from a good family, and he's very artistic so I hear." I was shocked. 'My mom is standing up for me.' My father looked shocked as well. "You're encouraging this?! He's going to hell and you're allowing it to happen!" He said getting up. He was obviously seething. "You are not allowed to see this-this boy!" I stood up and got up in his face. "Then I'm moving in with him!" My father looked stunned, but before he could recover I ran up the stairs into my bedroom. I started packing my bags, then I texted Andrew if I could come over. Of course babe! You can stay at my place for as long as you need. I sighed, then continued packing.

Andrew (POV)

I started moving things around as soon as I saw Mark's text. I had already called Axel, and he said he was on his way. 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. "It's open!" I shouted. The door opened, and Axel and Mark stuck their heads through. "Hey! I didn't know you were going to be here so fast." I wasn't sure who I was talking to, so I assumed I was talking to both. "My parents are letting me take multiple trips, and by parents I mean my mom." Mark told me. "I was speeding." Axel said, raising his hand. I rolled my eyes. 'At least he's honest.' I thought. "Well, Axel can you move somethings around while I help Andrew get his stuff?" He nodded, but said, "Why, can't I do that?" "Well, actually, I told my parents that I'm dating Andrew, so it would make sense if he was helping." Mark said sheepishly. Axel glared. "What am I chopped liver?" He said, throwing his hands up and walking into the guest bedroom to move things around. Both me and Mark busted out laughing. Whenever we both stopped, we headed into our cars to get Mark's stuff.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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