CH.05 - The Lions vs. its Prey.

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Kaz and Sabo were standing in the Fifth Harbor. Watching as Milana departed on one of the recreational vessels. Kaz was standing next to Sabo while leaning on his cane.

"You want to explain?" Sabo spoke up. Watching the workers on the deck preparing to depart.

"Explain what?" Kaz asked her as he looked down at her.

"Explain how we are going to have a way through the Fold, with no exportation, within five hours?" Sabo questioned him as they started walking away from the ship.

"I'll think of something." He answered darkly, suddenly aware that they were walking next to each other.

"What about Inej?" Sabo wondered.

"What about her?" Kaz asked not slowing down.

Sabo stopped walking, Kaz sighed and turned around.

"We need her with us. She can't just stay here."

"If I go to Heleen now and ask for her buyout, she knows I need Inej and sets a price I can't pay." He spoke. "Besides, Inej refuses to kill. Would you trust her in a matter of life and death?"

Sabo didn't hesitate before speaking. "Completely. I'm not going if she's staying." Kaz scoffed at her.

"I'm hiring you to do this job. Don't think this is a two-way street."

"It actually is." She said pointing towards the street sign above them. Kaz followed her gaze and rolled his eyes, the expression on his face unreadable. "Besides, I don't have a contract with you. I don't have a contract with anyone here."

"But you're loyal to the Dregs."

"That's true. But I'm also loyal to my friends, and that includes her."

Kaz was silent for a while before responding. "Then trust me when I say that I'll find a way."

"Fine," she said as they started walking again. "Why are you suddenly started doubting Inej, she's making quite a name for herself, you know?"

"What are they calling her then?" Kaz asked her.

"You know what they are calling her." She responded.

"We all got names in the Barrel."

Sabo looked up at him while walking past the Menagerie. "Oh yeah? What are they calling me then?" A man glanced towards the two, spying for the Dime Lions.

Kaz rolled his eyes at her, not noticing the man. "You know what they are calling you, you just want to hear me say it."

Sabo pressed her lips together, waiting for his answer.

"Fine, the fighter of the Barrel." He lied.

Sabo shook her head at him. "I don't think that's it."

"It's what I've heard." Kaz smirked, not giving her what she wanted. They walked a while before they were close to the pit. "Go to the pit and cancel your fights. We are going to need you."

"All I can hear you saying is that you can't go without the Barrel's best fighter."

"Go." He laughed at her, nudging her with his cane towards the pit.

Sabo left him as he began walking towards the Crow Club, his face full of unexpressed emotions, and a Dime Lion behind him, hunting its prey.


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