Chapter 1: A New World, A New Problem

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So, Canterlot is where I'm at huh? Not exactly someplace I've ever heard of, but since this place isn't exactly my home world, might as well try and find out who I'm dealing with.

Continuing down the road I was on, I reach what  appears to be a residential area, most of the house look mostly intact, something that I take note of since houses from my reality are either worn down or completely destroyed, none the less, I continue onward towards the more "city like" side of town.

Reaching the city, I notice something that would make anyone question if they were tripping out. The people, while resembling humans, didn't have what I would call a normal skin tone, since most of them where either blue, or orange. The citizens also noticed me, and since I was still in my combat attire, gas mask and everything, they began to question my identity.

Not wanting to draw any unwanted attention, I slip into an alley way, it of which being very dirty and with feral animals mucking around, very much like home. I realize that this world might have a different currency then what I already have on me, and thankfully, I still had some excess amount of gear on me, so if I can find the right dealer, I can pawn this stuff off, make a quick buck, and find me a suitable place to crash at.

Timeskip: 3 Hours

Don't ask how I was able to accomplish it, but in the span of three hours, I was able to not only sell off unwanted equipment, I also was able to acquire my own place of resting, with that in mind, I walk into my new home, hopefully its permanent.

I look around and examine my new home, the living room and the kitchen are interconnected, so that makes cooking and watching TV a lot less of a hassle, speaking of the TV, its actually fairly nice, being a '45 inch flat screen, not my cup of tea,...

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I look around and examine my new home, the living room and the kitchen are interconnected, so that makes cooking and watching TV a lot less of a hassle, speaking of the TV, its actually fairly nice, being a '45 inch flat screen, not my cup of tea, but it gets the job done.

Moving around the house, I venture onward towards the garage, since I'm 18, I could obtain a driver's license, but there's not need for that, my Overdrive ability will do just fine, but it could work better if it was a workshop.

Walking back inside, I take note of the other room's that the house has, a storage closet for any "illegal" arms I acquire, 2 main bedrooms with bathrooms inside those rooms, a guest room for any visitors, and laundry room for any time I need to clean clothes, not that I'll be needing to do that, hopefully.

I walk into my bedroom which is mode moderately swell, being a descent size with a walk-in closet off the side, making the wardrobe a vital commodity.

I walk into my bedroom which is mode moderately swell, being a descent size with a walk-in closet off the side, making the wardrobe a vital commodity

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