Chapter 4: Rekindling a Friendship

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(Y.N) POV 

A new day arises, and with that, new problems come with it. Waking up, I stretch my arms, bend my back, and wipe my eyes. Getting out of bed, I grab my dress clothes and put them on, then to realize something.

Y/N: Oh yeah, gotta go wake Twilight up.

Exiting my room, I walk over to Twilight's room and see if she's ready to head out.

Y/N: Twilight? You awake?

Twilight Sparkle: Just a minute Y/N.

Standing outside of her room, she exits and is still wearing the same clothes as the she did yesterday.

Y/N: You didn't wear these clothes to bed did you?

Twilight Sparkle: Of course not.

Sighing in relief, me and Twilight walk downstairs and spot Spike sleeping next to the door.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, it's time to wake you.

Spike flutters his eyes open and yawns loudly.

Spike: Jeez, what time is it?

Y/N: 6:30, we gotta eat and get going.

Nodding their heads, they sit at the counter as I prepare the food. I decide that me and Twilight can eat some cereal while Spike eats a small salad, hopefully he'll like that.

Y/N: Alright everyone, dig in.


After finishing breakfast, we make our way to school, and on the way realize that were actually kind of early. Some students still walk the halls, either on their way to grab a meal, or reach their class.

Principal Celestia (On PA): Good morning, students, and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tomorrow night, so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice heard.

Twilight glance over towards me.

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy said I'd need to win over all those different groups if I wanna become Princess of the Fall Formal. So I've compiled a list of talking points.

Y/N: You made a list, way to keep track of shit.

Twilight Sparkle:  I'll start introducing myself, sprinkle in some things I learned about their world into the conversation, show them how I fit in here!

Y/N: I doubt that'll work, but we can try.

Twilight Sparkle: All I can do is hope, the world depends on it.

As we make our down the halls, some students begin to snicker to themselves, clearly laughing at Twilight.

Y/N (Thinking): Why is everyone laughing, that bitch better not have done what I think she did.

Twilight Sparkle: Why is everybody looking at me funny?

Just as she said that, me and Twilight are both grabbed and pulled into an empty classroom.

Twilight Sparkle: Whoa! What're you...? Why did you...?

She looks up and spots who pulled us in here.

Twilight Sparkle: Rarity?

Spike pokes his head out of the bag and starts to have hearts in his eyes. What a weirdo.

Rarity begins to measure Twilight all over her body, thinks to herself and has a spark of an idea. She grabs something out of a nearby bad and slaps it over Twilight, revealing it to be a green outfit and blonde wig.

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