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Dianne's POV
Joe and I walked with Safire all the way to where she would have her CT and MRI, now it was just a matter of waiting for her to finish. The 2 hours that went by were painfully long, but I knew that waiting for the results would be even more painful.
"Hi guys she's all done" said Gladstone as the wheeled her out to us, they said we could go home once Safire was awake.
When they are home
Joe's POV
we was at home now and Dianne had fallen asleep on the sofa, so I let her be, I wanted to go to sleep myself but I couldn't leave Safire unoccupied and I knew she wouldn't go down for a nap because she had been knocked out for 2 and a half hours after having her scans.
"Dada play" said Safire
"I see you're feeling better" I said. This gave me a false sense of hope that her scans were going to be okay and that this was just an extreme case of a virus or infection, little did I know, I was about to receive the worse news of my life, news that would change my life forever.
2 hours latter
"Good morning" said Dianne as she woke up
Good morning" I said
"How long was I asleep"? Asked Dianne
"Not long only a few hours, but if you don't mind I think I'll go and have a nap myself for a couple of hours" I said
"Of course it's been a long morning" said Dianne.
"Alright I'll see you in a bit" I said as I headed up the stairs.
"No daddy no go" said Safire
"Daddy's going for a nap, I'll play with you" said Dianne.
Dianne's POV
I sat there watching Safire play, while I hoped that those scans would be okay, that there would be nothing wrong with her, I could hope,  and I was sure that they was absolutely fine but I wouldn't feel 100% until the results came in.
i hope you enjoyed this chapter x
Warning it's going to get pretty sad from here x

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